War§ow QCUP - Round 3

image: v4

People have come and people have gone in the previous days. However, the War§ow QCup has been running quite smoothly so far, however there was some confusion about certain games that were played but I was able to iron out these problems quite fast.

As you can see on the fixtures list there are two pending players, one of these is the Netherlands Rikku vs Finland Hyrveli game and the other is the Germany Ruudi vs Netherlands Jannis match.

Now to explain why they are pending. The Rikku / Hyrveli was postponed untill Wednesday. You might think this is unfair because of the barrage of messages that I've been sending around asking people to play their games before the imposed deadline of Tuesday midnight. However, Rikku has taken her game quite seriously and has managed to RSI herself into a medical situation. I've discussed this with both players and I feel that giving her some time to recover was more then fair.

The other game however has a bit less amusing reason for delay. Yesterday at midnight there were still three games missing of that particular play group. Instead of giving Netherlands Xhep a free pass to the semi-finals I've given the other six players a 24 hour deadline extension. So far two games have given me results and I'm still waiting for the Germany Ruudi vs Netherlands Jannis game. Both players have recieved a PM about it and they will be removed from the cup if they don't PM their results before midnight tonight.

This match round has seen some more disappointments, with England Bruns leaving the cup because of his social life getting in the way, however he did ensure me that he'll be participating at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 and I have the logs to prove it.

Now without further adue, here's your brackets for matchweek 3

image: board3ma9.th

You have till Friday midnight to play your games, the sooner the earlier I can start planning the coverage for the semi-finals and the finals themselves.

quick update

the Rikku situation has been resolved still waiting for the other game.


Germany BoBel vs Italy Mettt
Poland S4nd vs Anonymous smeeel
Finland Hyrveli vs Scotland Bong0
England 36 vs Netherlands Scoobzor
Poland Vicek vs United Kingdom Psyborg
Italy YemminatoR vs Netherlands H1o
Netherlands Xhep vs Czech Republic jebak
Poland adasq vs Netherlands Jann1s

Good luck and have fun

Netherlands Matt "A_Spec" Hoving
go go bongo!
go BoBel
wswtv, plx!
bruns = no suprise



will all win
I don't think bruns has either shown up on finished any tourney he's been in the whole time I've been playing warsow :D
haha idd, he quit 4v4 tdm oc too, but thats coz he had to play vs my team, and quite clearly was going to lose haha, j/k.. sortof
Go go Netherlands h1o!
bobel will win it as usuall
Go h1o. :D
go h1o to home! :P i'll win! :D :D
go h1o!
go YemminatoR!
gl yemminator & mett <3
nice bracketboard :DDDD

h1o will take it<3
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