OpenCup heats up

image: cbthing

Today the main fight for spots in the quarter finals of the 4000 euro ClanBase OpenCup kicks off 20.00 CET with retro and Ocrana battling it out. The round will feature lots of exiting matches and as the cup is single elimination its do or die for the 14 teams. Yesterday we saw the two best Finnish teams Finland Pelit and Finland go up against each other resulting in a 4-2 win for Pelit.

Europe retro vs Germany Ocrana
20:00 CET
Germany Stream: (Pro-eSport)
Takens take: In the first match of the day Ocrana is favorites and should have no problems taking a clear win versus retro. But this match isnt crystal clear and retro should be able to give Ocrana a good fight for the ticket to the quarter finals.

United Kingdom Four-Kings vs Germany egamespoint
20:15 CET
Germany Stream: (Game TV)
Takens take: In this match we have the British royalty taking on the German underdogs of egamespoint. 4k should be crowned victors of this match unless the Germans are able to pull of a really big upset. 4-0 seems like a very safe bet, but you never know when the stock marked crashes! But on the other hand we are talking about kings here.

Germany SPEEDLINK vs Spain 4Frags
21:00 CET
Takens take: In the third match of the evening we see the German powerhouse SPEEDLINK go up against the rather unknown Spanish 4frags. SPEEDLINK should wash the floor 4Frags. If SPEEDLINK doesn’t win this they are losing on purpose to taunt my prediction skills.

Sweden Kompaniet vs Europe H2k-Gaming
21:00 CET
Takens take: In what should be the most exiting match of the evening the strong Swedish side Kompaniet takes on H2k-Gaming for what should be an epic match if both teams are able to perform at their best. Kompaniet has a long history of being a top team in ETQW, since the early betas. While H2k is the new kids on the block with lots to prove. Kompaniet is favorites for this match, but both teams are of top caliber and its impossible to predict an outcome.

Sweden EYEBALLERS vs Poland Wilda
21:00 CET
Takens take: In the 5th match of the evening EYE faces polish Wilda in what should be a walkover for EYE. Wilda has yet to prove they are of the same caliber as EYE and I don't think this will match will change that.

Europe dignitas vs Poland Frag eXecutors
21:00 CET
Takens take: Fx meet up with their old buddies dignitas from the OpenCup group stage where dignitas crushed Fx. There is no reason to believe that dignitas will play any more friendly this time and Fx should get crushed by the might of the dignitas.

Poland Delta vs Greece GROF
21:00 CET
Takens take: In the last match of the day inactive GROF meets the active polish top team Delta in what should be an exciting game if GROF is able to perform at a decent level. This match might turn out to be very good entertainment or a walkover for Delta, depending on how rusty the not Greek Greeks are.

Nice work mate, keep up the good work!
pelit vs logitech ended 4-2 not 4-0
gg on Island :)
gl @ all
GL and it's for 4000euro's? :OOO
We are very rusty. but have found some anti-rust-spray. isn't that nice?
serious spray or just wd40?
wd40. the other stuff was too expensive.
go eyeballers !
nice with a little update :)
gooogo hf
gj pelit. gl h2k.
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