3-Days-Left: 5on5 Test Cup

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There is one player in your team, that sucks? who isn't avi every day? who smells like what ever? Well, now its time to kick him out and start playing this 5on5 Test Cup:

16 Teams will fight without mortar, mg and flamer and only 3 mines for the title of this first official 5on5 ET Cup.

Sign Ups
12.02.2006 - 19.02.2006
(pm an admin in #esl.et for a late signup)

Braundorf b4
SW Gold TE
SW Oasis b3
Supply Depot 2
Würzburg Radar

Not certified yet: http://www.2wss.de/clanwar5v5.config

This cup will start on 26.02.2006, at sunday with the following plan:
Day 1:
1st: 26.02.06 18.00 cet (Maps: SW Goldrush TE, Braundorf b4)
2nd: 26.02.06 20.00 cet (Maps: Braundorf b4, SW Oasis b3)
Day 2: Half finals
3rd: 27.02.06 20.00 cet (Maps: SW Oasis b3, Supply Depot 2)
Day 3: Final
4th: 28.02.06 20.00 cet (Maps: Supply Depot 2, Radar)

Start signing up your team at this page.
To view some details of the cup, visit this one.
To get a how to for the esl visit this leet article
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