War§ow QCup - Quarterfinals

image: v4

We've moved yet another step towards the finals. Now eight players remain that may take home the prizes. First of all, the deadline is not monday but Tuesday midnight. I changed this date because I was late with the updates for the cups and players were unable to see who they had to play in this round, therefore I thought an additional 24 hours delay is in order.

I am happy to announce that this round will see the start of game commentary from me. I am going to try to get coverage to all the four games of this round so if all the players would please contact me about their match times then I'd appriciate it.

Anyway, good luck and have fun in the quarterfinals.

Maps Match 4


Fixtures Match 4

Germany BoBel vs Poland S4nd
Finland Hyrveli vs Netherlands Scoobzor
Poland Vicek vs Netherlands H1o
Czech Republic jebak vs Netherlands Jann1s
OMG, vicek gonna take it !
Go Netherlands Dutchies go!
xhep lost vs jebak :D?
jebak is not that bad
no show, I totaly forgot about this tournament :( shame on me
vicek - h1o , 2-0
go bobel!
> *

srsly, only bobel and h1o in that list can aim :)... rest is just warsow BUTTON BASHERS

go h1o!!!!!!!
BoBel will take it :))
easy for bobel <3
not rly m8, hyrveli could win, i was watching him play yesterday.. its not often a warsow player can impress me since i feel its based too much on movement, but i have not seen anyone time items like hyrveli can :) i think he could win with his brain, regardless of if his aim is not as good as bobel's :)
dunno i'm not that much into wsw, i'm just an ex-clanmate of bobel so i might be a lil bit biased ;)
ez for jebak
Final : BoBel vs h1o

h1o <3
ahahahahah please dude, he was whining more than belgian et players and after 4mins of 2nd map he said gg and quit :) rofl
Gogo h1o. :D
Well h1o, atleast you are not losing from a girl >:D
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