EC Golden Final!

image: rubbishhhhh

For all the viewers who saw Sunday’s ET match, they were witness of a tremendous battle between two giants. The outcome of the match is known by all by now, EDiT won with an earned 4 – 2 victory. Though this didn’t mean they became instantly the champion. Since mPg was able not to lose any match (until this Sunday), and because of the fact they were the winner of the winnersbracket, a second final has to decide who will be the eventual winner of this match. That’s why we are tuning in tonight once more, with the everlasting decision of who will be this EC’s final winner.

Match info:
Date: 18 / 12 / 2007
Time: 22.00 CET
Shoutcast: QuadV TosspoT

I’ve asked both teams for a little statement:
Quote by snoopI can't really predict our chances. The skill between EDiT and us should be kinda equal so I guess the shape of today and a bit of luck will decide the game.

Quote by oliWell everyone knew the lads were the under dogs at the beginning of the match.. except me, i knew they could pull of a result and they did. The fact that they lost goldrush by 2 seconds says it all. They definetly have it in them to win it and i'm confident they will.

The best of luck to both teams!
Quote"oli (manager of EDiT)

isnt it "lio"?

edit: ok :)
im CEO. the guys are training at the moment so cant do statement
chief executive officer, big word small meaning ;P
I know what it means. But "EDiT" is neither a corporation nor a company. Makes it sound infantile.
EDiT is a giant multinational, controls 17% of the world economie
lio has no skills for that :o)
rofl, wasn't it the ec final?
It was, but because EDiT came from LB they have to win twice.
Ah cool. Easy bash for the Germans then.
Easy for lio.
mAus-only-team versus SUPERMEGAPROUBER-germans

easy for mAus.
i have a bad feeling about a yerman win now.
EC Finals are reduced to other news now :P . Says a lot about this EC
season .
no it's simply because of the fact that you first have to contribute, pick news, and it auto appears at other news, only when a cf admin sees it, he sets it at main news ;)
So true, Koe sucks =<
gl dom <3
GL EDiT, make us 1 last time proud :) gl & hf all players :) Go tosspot :D
LOGO lol :D
well it maybe isn't the best ever, but it is one, and i'm happy somebody offered to help me!
next time pm me earlier and ill make that 1 better then the 1 I made for you now :)
:D nais lies!
easy for mpg
gl yermans ;-]
the banner is even worse than the last one
i dont make those things so dont blame me, it's about the match, not about a stupid picture
I just commented about the banner, not blaming anyone :K
very handsome banner
just like you <3 sandor :D how's your niece doing? or was it your sister? :o
Go Belgium !
Need info that we have 6 languages prepared to this battle onair! =)
nice banner!
for anyone whining at banners, you should offer your valuable free time to make better banners for people to use. be creative & contribute instead of being whiny bitches :c

gl Japan Dorago-kun!
I tried to offer my help atleast by pm'ing TosspoT if I could start making some graphics for news at crossfire, when there was that recruitment post here on crossfire, but never got any response :l
just make the graphics, upload them and send the link to the writer of the article. at least that's what i would do.
yea I did that for some time during the previous EC group stage, but it would be a lot better if it would work the other way that the author would come to pm and tell what sort of banner/other graphics he needs
gl mpg!
gl Germany antiheld !
which ever kiddie restart server. if i ever find you. Dont expect to live the encounter :)
the server restart was in favor for edit anyway.
But it was definitely meant against them...
why so? they didnt get the flag when the restart took place. they would've lost it right away. and when there was no restart, they luckied the flag right away. doesnt really matter but I cant see how people say it was in favor for edit. anyway mpg showed nice latter defences so care.
Twice right when they capture the flag? That's not a coincidence, and there were plenty of more harmful times to reset against mpg. You're right though, it worked in EDiT's favour, so whoever it was is even more retarded. :)
Just don't fucking post a banner next time this one is so shit.
lmfao, i agree
epic final
Tuskan erottamat veljekset, jotka suurempi tuska tuo yhteen. Mutta tuska tuo myös iloa ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta.
The banner deserves an award because it's even more awesome than ET:QW.
delete your comment or you're going to get banned.
I already got banned. :( 1 day ban..
ye me too :(
I was just kidding! :D But I feel sorry for you. :<
WHAT A GAME! I cant believe this happened fuck me I love W:ET and will foeva! ;)) thx players, admins for best action this EC.
sexy banner
I like this banner, got some thought behind it :)
nice banner <3
it wasnt so bad eurocup afterall :)
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