War§ow QCUP - Finals

image: v4

Thats right folks, the War§ow Steamer has arrived at Finals station. The following three days will sport 3 more games for this cup. First off there are the semi-finals, directly followed by the finals themselves.

Thats right, you didn't misread, we're going to have the last 3 games back to back of eachother in a virtual orgy of Deathmatch.


Four people have qualified for the final rounds.

Germany BoBel
Finland Hyrveli
Poland Vicek
Netherlands Jann1s

The games will start at 18:00 CET / 5:00 GMT and will continue untill we have a winner.

QuadV will be bringing full coverage of all three games Live from start to finish which will definatly include audio and maybe video (depending on stability and availibilty)

This comes down to the following games;

Germany BoBel vs Finland Hyrveli

An absolute killer of a match. These two players are the Av3k and Toxic of War§ow, two absolute monsters when it comes to the game. BoBel being an absolute master of the Laser Gun and has the ability to pry the win out of anyones grasp. Hyrveli being only 16 years old and already one of the best players that this games has seen, dethrowning some of the oldskool players.

Be sure to keep your eyes on this one folks, it's going to be MONSTEROUS!

Poland Vicek vs Netherlands Jann1s

An interesting matchup, Jann1s the underdog this tournament managing to beat his way through Jebak in the quarters he has proved himself a worth opponent for Victim, and what can I say; Everyone loves the underdog. Victim however has proven himself over and over in the past, constantly contesting BoBel for the War§ow championship belt.

Another game to keep your eye one, will Jann1s pull of the surprise of the tournament? Or will the old garde reclaim his place?


However they are going to be, it goes without saying that this will be one of the best games of War§ow that will ever be played online, one day you will say to the new players that you saw that epic game, the battle of the two biblical beasts.

Be sure to tune into the game. Updates about time and place will follow.
anyway to watch this?
how can the 1st and 2nd seed meet in the semi? :p
yea its bit strange that 1st and 2nd came from the same side of the bracket. it seems its been set up for a bobel vs vicek final :D

ofc the semis might not go that way and no disrespect to hyrveli/jannis ^^
h1o wins!!! go jannis
bobel ftw
Jannis is the tallest man in the world, he will crush his opponents
you meant scoobz0r ^+^ / 216
VICEK for sho!
BOBEL for sho!
gl Hyrveli
EC grand final, both QCup semifinals and final on the same day o_O
If a Warsow Steamer is anything like a Cleveland Steamer then we are in for one hell of a final.
lol, that popped into my head when I was writing that.
Bobel ofc
gl Hyrveli!
Are demos available somewhere? (of the already played matches ofc :p )
Tomorrow mate.
Need more info!
bobel wins ofcourse

he somehow manages to play 700+hours when no1 else actually plays (or i just play at the wrong time of any given day)

hyrvelitimerboy vs bobelplay2much should be the final, the real final wont be as entertaining

gl to all
QuoteThe games will start at 18:00 CET / 5:00 GMT and will continue untill we have a winner.

Didnt think there was that much time difference :o
:p i rather play bobel/hyrveli than victim, can we still swith opponents?
why sticky?
gl bobel ! =)
pretty fair :P

eurocup final for me
qcup final for bobel ^_^

gratz and thanks for a good cup
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