CDC4 Revisions

CDC4 will be running the following adventurous tournament format for the event now just a little over 2 months away! We've a new sponsor that allows us to increase capacity significantly which will be announced in January, however the resulting logistics have cost us somewhat, hense a lower redistribution from the original outset.

Call of Duty 4 - 40 Teams - 6500 Euro
Wolf ET - 16 Teams - 3000 Euro
ET:Quakewars - 12 Teams - 3000 Euro
Warsow 16 Players - 600 Euro

That takes our total gaming prize purse to 13100 Euro!


- Signups close January 6th
- Payments are due January 18th
- Tournament starts 9AM Friday 29th Feb!
great, toss if you know anything about the maps (ET) please let us know :-)
What was the old one?
only 12 teams 4 ET?
making et 16 teams would make more sens, easier groups & brackets and no online qualifiers
bit hard with only 13 confirmed signups though 8[
Well, amenti will sign up, so will <[o]>, already 15; bit idd not yet confirmed
lineup? 8[
there are already 13 etteams and there are more to come... 16 needed at least tbh
rather put warsow to 12 since et got more 6-man-teams than wsw got players atm.
Changing warsow to 12 players has no effect on the volume of PC's needed for the team games. Warsow is the easiest thing in the world to schedule and plan for, team games (especially 6on6 games) are not
what kevin and rise_ said.
There are now 13 signups for ET, ... you will get 16 ET teams for sure, (atleast +1 already, soon! -> 14*)
and for warsow; 11 atm .. better to end it at 12 since some players might even drop out.

so 16 teams instead of 12 for ET, 12 instead of 16 for warsow, would be the best solution.
isn't warsow only 1vs1? :O
Well, I totally understand the opinions of the posters above me. BUT, the right number of teams would then be CoD4 - 40, ET - 16, ETQW - 16. As there have already 17 teams signed up for ETQW as well.

I guess this high number of players would just not be realisable.
not totally correct, since alot of players do play ET:QW as ET at the same time, so the amount of players won't increase that much.

It's just a matter of raising the ET teams, since there will be more teams signing up soon, and in case of ETQW/warsow .. it won't be imo.

And yes I play ET :P
Well, don't understand me wrong. I still love ET more than I do like ETQW, but I just don't think these revisions are fair as there are already these 17 teams, you know. And by the way there are far too less top ET teams in my opinion, for ETQW this is different.
Correct about the _current_ topteams, but if you see still have to signup / german topteams / impact / tlr / other eu teams ..
still doesn't mean they can't decrease warsow and increase ET and/or ETQW (the double players will make that the amount of players isn't too high)
You clearly havent read my comment, ill repaste it

Changing warsow to 12 players has no effect on the volume of PC's needed for the team games. Warsow is the easiest thing in the world to schedule and plan for, team games (especially 6on6 games) are not
hmm ye, that's correct I guess.. but the shedule for 16 instead of 12 ET teams might be easyer :-)
16 teams = groups of 4 = 6 matches per group
12 teams = groups of 3 = 3 matches per group + 2 matches run off matches

The ONLY way this would be possible is if either the lower seeded, or teams who had players in two tournaments played the additional matches online
Will it be double elimination?
You have to take into account the dropouts as well :(
How many? =/
I don't know, just generally.
Ok, understood.
It is not about dropouts, stability of clans etc.

It is about the maxmimum capacity we have at the venue. There is an X amount of computers and you can only play a maximum amount of matches on it.

This is the utter max we can do and still run an event like the others. Only difference might be this time, that the admins will be more on the ass of the players to be ready faster.
prizepurse :(
When will we find out the actual prizepot distribution? :o
check my comment below, there is your answer.
more ET teams!! ET ftw
12 teams double elimination nP
we have always used the most common prize distribution of 3-2-1 as a thumb rule for a top 3 distribution

The only difference was last time with ET where we paid down onto top 5.

It will not be any different from that thumb rule, just the amount of finishes as in top 3 or 5 has not been decided yet.

The CoD community has favoured top3 only, ET has favoured broader spread.
Toss, its to early to call these final things allready. I mean there are plenty of nice teams who are getting formed now and who sign. So u can get easy 16 teams.
We have been doing the math for the past week on how many teams we can get it. It is more based on the ergonomical limitations that we face than the amount of sign ups.

No matter how many teams will add, the sign up rate on all games has become fairly steady (ET lacked in the beginning, but caught up), so te relative proportions are visible now.

Therefore we looked at the maximum capacity and split the amount of computers up.
Explains everything thanks !
is there enough capacity for that many teams? i dont really think so

"We've a new sponsor that allows us to increase capacity significantly which will be announced in January"

so the et-players have to play outside, since there isnt enough space inside :>
at this time, it is more likely ET will be inside and another game elsewhere.
you play in the rain!
i would prefer to play alone in the cinema tho
rain in holland? what the hell r u on about >_<
only 8 go to playoffs. at least that is what I have planned right now.
10 hours delays for sure with so much teams :XD
shove some etqw prizemoney to warsow thanks!
you typo'd cod4
With 40 teams? Not really. :/
cod4 has proportionally least money already ;x
remove ET plx and gief money to ETQW :x
oops I said it on crossfire :oooooo
go die painfully.
ETQW is already dead :x
12 et teams fuck off. could get at least 16
Current unfair ratio (slots/signups)

Cod4 0.87 (40/46)
ET 0.92 (12/13)
ETQW 0.7 (12/17)
WSW 1.45 (16/11)

Lower number=more unfair. If you should balance it after the numbers you would cut some ET and Cod4 slots and add ETQW. Guess it wont happen, but just pointing out the obvious, its etqw getting it up the ass here not any other game so stop bitching unless you're playing etqw :)

Kinda saddens me that its not possible to make more room for etqw as lots of people have been looking forward to CDC and I know there is still some clans that are going to signup. And even when ETQW was kicked off with a 2k prize purse and 8 slots people still signed up, ET showed the opposite trend.

Really hope some miracle solution suddenly appears giving ETQW a 16 team tournament, because I think etqw will get 20+ signups and it will really be bad for the community if CDC end up having a 12 slots compo :/ EQW needs to grow a LAN culture for more than the top 12 teams and we might even see some top teams drop for this prize purse as travel costs will be greater than most prize positions :/
lol how did u work that out? cod4 is THE big competition game. you cant cut its slots. et already has more sign ups than slots and they will grow. you cannot make any tournament there any smaller than it already is except warsow which there is no point in scaling down.

the fact of the matter is, CDC is now too big for enschnede or at least too big for a one weekend tourney at enschnede. the best decision would be too either find a new venue or have et and cod4 one weekend and et:qw and warsow another. but i guess that won't happen until cdc5
Quotelol how did u work that out?

Im not sure if you ever had something called math :p I didnt work anything out, I just divided the numbers of signups on the slots of each game and the result is how unfair it is. (I can work out the percentage of teams missing out if thats easier for you) You should bash basic math instead of me :)

But I agree that it should be split up. Really hope ET and ETQW gets its own CDC part and cod4 and h1o-game is pushed off to some other random date! Split is really the only solution that can please all communities, but I guess there is a problem with the admins there :)
Or just count the number of teams missing out...
well those numbers wouldnt be comparable between games.
its an english saying mate. it's exact translation would be "how did you come to that conclusion".
some et-teams have signed up, but they arent in that list. so there will be more teams.
I'd theorise that the general reasoning behind not having so many ETQW slots relative to signups is the lack of proven track record. Crossfire has already run 3 tournaments for both CoD and ET, so we know teams will show up for that (and hopefully have a roughly accurate expectancy of the number of dropouts). ETQW is a new venture, and given the low success rate when we tried a QW tourney at CDC3 I suppose we're being cautious.

Cod 2 @ cdc 3 got canceled :p
That was because of CoD4 though, if I recall...
Giving all this money to kids in africa without even a druplet of water to drink would be way cooler.. Just because i'd never win this?
haha, good thinking, but you know that its never going to happen...

And it is strange how billions of euros have gone to charity, to save these africans, yet you never seen any progress: they are all just as hungry, they dont have any blankets, only the occasional loin cloth... so what would €13000 actually do in Africa? :(
Give them a feeling that their rich. they are uber happy with 1 cent believe meee!
wsw clearly having the best ratio according to taken so we win!!!!! !:(
i lol'd at all the people talking in here as if they could possibly know more about teams capacity etc than cash or tosspot do especially if you keep hammering on things other idiots have already so naively suggested :D especially those who posted after toss had already explained the obvious
tbh drop some etqw teams :)

sad to see the game which this community is based on atm getting only ½ of the slots that it most likely wouldve required. et has been dying but.. this way its kinda forced to die.
We need a poll for that who would want ET to have moar slots!
If there were a lot more sign ups originally, there would most likely be more ET slots. At this point a poll will accomplish nothing.
poll is meaningless anyway, but et should get more slots for sure.
your the admin here!
I know but they ignored me when I said we would get 20+ et teams for sure.
just edit the post to 16 teams, no one will notice
why does warsow get so many players aswell btw? :D
we get 3 cod4 teams +1 or 2.4 et/etqw team :< thats not too much + we dont need hours to set up our stuff install our configs and what soever
Some more teams for ET would be nice like 16..
true that sIR
Good to see cod4 well supported in its early life
need et team, qryke zette iere
cod4 rocking your world <3
16teams for W:ET!!
1. Nice prize money
2. too much CoD4 teams
3. 16 ET teams would be better, but NOT more
1. Not much prizemoney
2. Few ET:QW slots compared to signups
3. Too many slots for wsw
More ET teams plz :) :O)
16 ET slots would be better and maybe a little less COD4 slots
great :D 40 teams cod4 only 55 signups.. would be strange if we werent in..
lol, pathetic to give et only 12 slots. make it 16 or u fail.
Tozz is prolly gonna bitchslap me around to move computers again, lamer :(
16 or more et slots please x)

would be so much nicer :D
Good luck to ET:QW Stuka!!
more slots for et...
MORE SLOTS ET, 24 for sure ;)
what for ? more than 50% of the ET Teams will drop anyways
tommorow make it 6 :|
Wolf ET - 16 Teams - 3000 Euro
ET:Quakewars - 12 Teams - 3000 Euro
made me giggle!
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