Merry Christmas from 4k^nkm and ocr|CopyKill

No this isn’t a boring news post about what might have happened some hundred years ago, Christmas morning is now officially about frags and more frags. Its far from everyday a known player releases a movie and I cant remember last time two movies of this caliber was released on the same day. I might be on the road to salvation after all.
Germany CopyKill from the German powerhouse Germany Ocrana have released his first ETQW movie named “in raGe”. And a little to the west United Kingdom Four-Kings.etqw captain United Kingdom nkm have released his first frag movie ever and if you ever wondered how the world looks through a scope this is your chance. In the movie info field nkm writes this:
QuoteContains frags by myself from recent matches.
My first attempt at a fragmovie so be gentle!
But rest assured, he has been far from gentle with his targets.

nkm – etqw
Length: 9 min
Movie link:

CopyKill – in rage
Length: 10 min
Movie link:
rofl noobs
oh yeah. mitti got more skills, cause he had 1337 visits at his profil!!!11
uh oh is that mighty mitti who won 3-4 cups?!?!?!?!?!
ho ho ho
they saved christmass this year, egded in our memories forever
pfF BIG CARE !!! :D
sniping in etqw is 2easy..
rofl @copykill frapsmovie. deleted it before reaching the middle of the movie
ist das ein zustimmen oder belächeln?
Zustimmung selbstverständlich
damm sick skills NKM
dont download CopyKill's movie...quality sucks. picmip 15
copykills "movie"... pls....
very nice one nkm :D

but have to admit sniping is lol-easy at etqw :'D
same in cod4 now daan :<
dunno, i never snipe :D but might be :<
I wonder why I quit CoD4... :>
worst downloadlinks ever

hope the movies are good, haven't seen anything of et:qw yet
Go Nkm.

You are sick with that sniper rifle.

/me bows
nkm isn't so great as he seems in this vid. in wars he is a regular sniperr, tbh he doesn't sniper much. only accurized and scoped AR. I mean fragmovies doesn't say anthing about the person, even a noob can make 40 nice frags in a period of 6months. imo rvn is a good sniper he got some skills with it and shows it every war.
just to clarify, you were one of the worst BF2 players and one of the worst ETQW players - funny that comes from you.
Yes rglaf yes :D
Comong rglaf, that's just random flame coming from you. I'm sure 2easy was a better player in both bf2 and qw then you where. skillwise at least ;)
yes ofc he was uber in 4on4fbf on his influx srvr, unfortunately outside that little srvr he and his friends were easybash :(
If you just knew how much the community laughed at gamert/influx you'd be surprised - my favorite is though when The-Swede burned 2easy for missing a tank standing STILL 4 times in a row with a TVG hahaha :D
Rufio was though a funny character in bf2 so I still like him, but influx and the rest of gamert were the teams the community made fun of

and who are you again, waste, I only remember gamert.bf2 - the team that stopped playing 8on8 because they were schooled and started focusing on 5on5 :D
I don't think you quite know me.
And fyi gamert and influx where big rivals, so I'm not bothered by the fact that influx got laughed at. And I think your quite wrong about gamert. because we were always on the background of bf2, no whine and stuff. But after we became good, other clans who got slapped, like you probably, where not amused. So, that's the most funny part :)

And you know for yourself dat f.e. 2easy was a lot better then you in bf2. I played you both. In home-made xgx server, in i3d gamert server, in influx server. no matter what server. I can't believe you state this kind of shit, that it was server dependand. You're still just a little kiddie, I guess.
inFlux went through 3 different server providers? So not sure what you're getting at as inFlux & Gamert hated each other more than we disliked any Scandinavian teams, don't really care that we got "laughed at", especially by people like yourself (who we beat in i3D groupstage)

Haven't watched the movie, but can't really see the need for flame. But 2easy > rglaf in bf2 & etqw for sure. 2easy > nkm? I couldn't say that
lol GR-OF got your back 2easy! but mate.. he was about 10 times better than you and does stuff like in that movie almost every game without fail. Hes a great player and the only person ever to cause him much trouble is rvn :D

edit: heck, thinking back to when i was sniping for hMg, even i schooled u
about that last part, ye i remember that =]

does say something about the learning curve for sniper in this game though ^^
must been a pcw. :D, pcw hero omg. my level before i32 in sniping were higher then nkm,rvn and especially you fenda, because u just suck. but anyways sniping isn't so hard in etqw. when i start playing this game now and i'll do 1v1 sniper vs nkm or what so ever we'll have 50/50 i geuss.
As Yoda would say, "hero of one LAN match you are, shite at CoD4 you will be"
this joke totally failed imo :D, i think u have to read again what i wrote..
full hold first obj 20mins :(
Hentai fucked up miserably in that match :(
He could foresee the future.
? what did i do
Joke hentai

You won vs GROF once :(
But you know, it's no use to keep on flaming. 2easy always posts shit comments, I wish everyone was as smart as the maker of the movie nkm and just don't give him any attention.
image: hax5
Nice lil dots you got there.... nametagger

And a brilliant movie nkm! Dunno if Copykill's is worth of downloading...
link doesn't even work, GIEF GOOD LINK PLX!
Don't give rvn any egoboosts, he gets so cocky.
very nice nkm. best etqw FRAGmovie so far.
what about beregoz :(??

ashame sniper-scripting is so popular
"sniper-scripting" is what exactly? and how do you know its so popular? :(
hackd ur computerz with his leet skills datt killz
merry xmas to u too 4K^nkm and ocr|CpyKill :> , best xmas ever
lol @ all this flame looks to much like the bf community for me :D give nkm his proper respect as a player and as person , hes good guy never flames any1 and he is skilled with the scoped or sniper/rail gun.
And ill say it my self so you guys dont have to tell me , you are all better then me and ye my opinion doesnt count :D
we all <3 u really stryky
haha <3 u 2 fendaa loolly
merry christmas to you too
Nice fragmovie nkm!
nice movies.
i think the movie of rglah could find have found a place in this news too but its not here :<
btw: anyway me with starcoma were better in bf2 :P
copykill just captured his movie in a raeally low quality.. but the frags are nice tbh!
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