Fast-Gaming-Cup 3rd Edition

image: smallbanner

Second cup has ended and we're about to start the next one. You can already mark the 5th March as busy in your datebook.

I've to begin sign-ups of third cup earlier because of some organisational reasons.

Winner of last cup was:

image: smallcup Europe team-kirby
image: smallcup_silver United Kingdom uQ.Gaming
image: smallcup_bronze Finland insta-Gods

The mixed team Europe team-kirby jumped in at the 2nd round for Europe and did a good choice doing so. They've fought their way into the final against United Kingdom uQ.Gaming and were able to beat them by playing sw_goldrush_te, radar and as decider radar again.
Like in first cup Finland insta-Gods reached the third place though they were sure an aspirant for the gold medal.

Less text more info:
- Sign-Ups: 22nd February - 4th March
- Cup-Start: 5th March

1st Round: braundorf_b4
Quarter Finals: sw_goldrush_te
Half-Finals: supplydepot2
Final: 2 Maps from mappool (Decider: radar)

sw_oasis_b3 was kicked out and instead supplydepot2 came in.

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Canada wintermute
Match Admins:
- Israel sAgol
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Israel blAk
- Israel CaspoN

I would like to thank Finland PetriP-TNT who did great job organising ETTv and United Kingdom andyF1 who provided us with excellent ettv gameserver and was also able to broadcast matches.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site:
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