War§ow named best free deathmatch game

War§ow has been picked the best free deathmatch shooter by Linux-Gamers subsequently the article appeared on Slashdot which caused the Warsow website to be hammered by incoming Slashdotters.

The game was competing versus mods such as Alien Arena and Open Arena but was picked due to its;

QuoteThe high quality art direction, the implementation of some simple yet effective original ideas, combined with the refined Quake gameplay leaves War§ow the champion of the pack for free software shooters. Warsow was able to do what many free software projects strive for, take an established concept, clearly implement additional original ideas, refine the core of the project, and then present it in a very professional way.

This marks yet another moment in the recognition of the War§ow and the community that surrounds it, it also means that we can expect an influx of new players to join the scene.

In addition there is a passing reference to Crossfire.

QuoteCompetitive gaming is a key part of wSw and there exists a very large competitive community, for example, an international LAN competition was hosted in 2007.

The full article from Linux-Gamers
The Slashdot page
nice! love this game when im bored :)
Very nice, now I have reason to start playing it when my PC gets back. :)
try to name another free deathmatch game
good point
QuoteThe game was competing versus mods such as Alien Arena and Open Arena [...]
Alien Arena 6.10 and Tremulous are both cited in the article, if you read it.

EDIT: "While others have compared such games before, this feature seeks to be a little more thorough and go a step further, ranking the following seven games: Alien Arena, Nexuiz, OpenArena, Sauerbraten, Tremulous, War§ow, and World of Padman."
World of Padman is great.
Have yet to find any skilled players there though. x-(/
My thoughts exactly.
heho ex TGS A Spec
how it won that i dont know.. also wsw shoutcasters it would seem only shoutcast duel :( new players will more enjoy to watch tdm.. hint a_spec!
Note that "free" in this article means that the code (but not necessarily the media) is open source, which excludes some well known games from the comparison.
Competitive gaming is a key part of wSw and there exists a very large competitive community, for example, an international LAN competition was hosted in 2007.

very large? in numbers? around 1000 player, but maybe i said too many?
<3 wSw
next year this should be quake zero!
Great success.

image: breaking_news
ET players would also love the race modes too!
why congratulations!
i only like instantgib, rest is boring
I guess you haven't learned how to use the weaponry yet. Players agree: The learning curve is very steep ;-)
I <3 IG too, I can't control weapons and powerups too good.

But once you learn I'm sure it's epic fun. :3

your 'jokes' seriously SUCK
your 'jokes' seriously SUCK
YEAH I love the wsw duels
by LINUX-gamer.... its a good game, i think its the best, but still :P
i love you warsow
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