CptnTriscuit gets grilled

image: baseraceHe might not be the most 'house-hold' name in Christendom, but American born & based CptnTriscuit has certainly given one hell of a lot to the ET community, after having working on RTCW in its prime. His domain is mapping, and from his hardworking site /battlefield, he has churned out many a gamer's favourite, most notable the BaseRace series, along with the competition nearly-map Rommel, RTCW's Toxicity and Grave Robbery. All this, and he still finds time to release his public texture packs. So it comes as no suprise that his work has attracted much critical acclaim, and, the interviewer's pleas for a chat.

Therefore, CptnTriscuit agreed to speak with the folks over at rtcw.filefront and give only his second ever interview to his probably adoring fans. Topics included cover of course the BaseRace series, life as a mapper, and the question everyone seems to throw in interviews these days. Yes, that question. Anyhoo, he's a little extract:

Northerner: Where did you come up with the idea for the baserace maps?

CptnTriscuit: I was messing around trying to learn the ET construction system while at the same time testing to see if you could capture a CTF flag in different locations. Well turns out you can, so I figured it might be neat to stick different capture locations together with different constructions so players could choose what they wanted to build. I loved how Enemy Territory added a bit of 'RPG' flavor to Wolfenstein with experience points and class skills; I wanted to try and make a map that would do the same.

Full interview is like, here 'n stuff.
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