srs presents cod4 lineup

With the change from Cod2 to Cod4 Serious has gone through a few changes in its line up. After the retirement of Michiel 'rapz' Kappen a few months ago, and Nick 'Solz" Schurink going inactive with the introduction of Cod4, they had the task to fill the two open spots with worthy successors.

Over the last few weeks they have been testing several players which resulted in the addition of two new upcoming stars, Bob 'supreme' Janssen and Roman 'Roman' Semjonov.

The changed Netherlands Serious.Cod4 line up for 2008 looks as following:

Netherlands Niels 'Zemme' van Steenbergen
Netherlands Siebe 'nutec' Huisman
Netherlands Rick 'r1k' Smit
Netherlands Bob 'supreme' Janssen
Netherlands Roman 'roman' Semjonov

Serious.Cod4 currently competes in several ClanBase cups and the CoDQCup. The first LAN you can see the new team live in action will be CDC4, scheduled at the end of Februari in Enschede, the Netherlands.

Statement Serious:
"We are very happy to add these two new upcoming stars to our line up. Both players have made a great impression during their trial period in the team, and convinced us they were the right players to fill the open spots. We are very confident with this team we can maintain our status of being one of the best teams out there!"

Statement Netherlands Bob 'supreme' Janssen:
"I'm really happy to join a team like Serious Gaming, they are very well known in the Call of Duty community thanks to all their previous successes. They have got a lot of knowledge and LAN-experience and I can't wait to reach the same results with my new team as they did in Call of Duty 2! Shoutouts to everyone from Serious Gaming and ofcourse my old team Koppensnellers. Cu at crossfire lan!"

Statement Netherlands Roman 'roman' Semjonov:
"After playing a few months in team-ephix I realized this wasn’t the team for me. When the chance occured to trial for one of the vacant spots in the Serious line up I decided this would become my spot. So obviously now I'm very happy to be joining Serious Gaming. It's a real honour to play in a top team like this and hope we will dominate the Call of Duty 4 scene as these guys did in Call of Duty 2."

gl koekebakker
good luck roman <3
mysod/gmpo zemme?
die speelt counterstrike geloof ik
translate pls
"I think he's playing counterstrike"
ik dacht dat het em wel was :p
no roman at the reality now? :(
only if srs visits it i guess :D
er zijn toch ook 2 duitse roman's (ook al is dat in een ander spel) maarom dan niet 2 Zemme's :+
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