ESL Major Series - Playoffs kick off tonight

image: ems Just some days after we have announced the playoffs for the ESL Major Series, the first round kicks off today featuring two hot and enthralling matches. Poland DEFAULT.Team, the former team of Frag eXecutors, against Sweden Kompaniet and Germany Team SPEED-LINK against Germany OCRANA are today's fixtures. The German duel will also be shown on a videostream, read on for more datails.

The duel between Germany's finest teams is a match many are really looking forward to. OCRANA, in the first weeks after the release of ET: Quake Wars the dominating team in the German ET:QW scene, struggled a lot in the last weeks and lost their top position to Team SPEED-LINK. But nevertheless, we saw them winning quite easily all matches in the ESL Major Series group stage and are happy to welcome them to the playoffs.

Although Team SPEED-LINK could qualify with a mere second spot in the A group, they still seem to be the favourite tonight. The number one in Germany, who could win the ESL Cup Series with a prize purse of € 500 and is actually also the leading team in the ESL Amateur Series with prizes worth € 1500, has some of Germany's best players in their lineup. That's why three of their players are part of Team Germany and will try to win the next Nations Cup - the same number of players are also representing OCRANA in Team Germany. Both teams will try to do everything to win the match and you can watch it live!

The German multigaming clan progressive eSports broadcasted already some ET: Quake Wars matches and will also host today's match. The live videostream can be found here.

image: round1_speed-ocr

Germany Team SPEED-LINK | florian
QuoteAfter doing an important step by beating H2k in group stage we succesfully made it to the playoffs of the ESL Major Series. In the first round we will face one of the best teams in Germany, OCRANA. This will be one of our first offical matches with our new lineup, which we changed at the beginning of 2008.

We are looking forward to an exciting game. GLHF!

Germany OCRANA | Fox
QuoteOur first match in 2008 which will be one of the toughest so far. We havent played since 2 weeks for real and have some trouble in Teamplay since the x-mas vacations. In the end at least one German team will succeed to the next Round of the cup :) Good Luck both

The second match today will be between Sweden Kompaniet and Poland DEFAULT.Team. Kompaniet won without any problems in group D and is one of the favourites for the € 2000 tournament. DEFAULT.Team, which grabbed the last slot for the ESL Major Series in the Last Chance Qualifier, showed us a nice performance and qualified second behind United Kingdom Four-Kings in group C.

image: round1_kompaniet-fx

Sweden Kompaniet | xeTyk
QuoteOur first matchup in the EMS playoffs against one of the good polish clans out there. We will do our very best to stay on top of our game. Good luck!

ESL Newspost
ESL Major Series Playoffs
DEFAULT.Team vs. Kompaniet
ESL Major Series
QW is awesome btw !
Nice matches, gl all!
gogogo speedlink and kompaniet!
stream aint working
stream doesn't work for me too
good luck teams!
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