ESL Major Series: Four-Kings vs. Random Gaming

image: ems Two matches of the ET: Quake Wars ESL Major Series Playoffs have already been played, the other ones will be played this weekend. With United Kingdom Four-Kings facing the Polish team of Poland Random Gaming we will start tonight for the last two matches of the first round. The match will be played at 21 CET, featuring at least two hot maps - on Sewer and Refinery.

With three wins out of three matches is Four-Kings one of the still unbeaten teams in the ESL Major Series. The winner of the 2nd EU Qualifier and New Years Night Cup could easily get on the top of group C and secured together with Poland DEFAULT.Team a slot for the Playoffs. Today they will face the next team from Poland, called Random Gaming. As number two in group D they seem to be the outsiders today, but as always both teams will start with the same initial situation. The winner will face the winning team of tomorrows match between Europe Team Dignitas and Finland Team Pelit, while the losers of both matches will fight for their last chance in the upcoming week.

image: round1_4k-random

United Kingdom Four-Kings | nkm
QuoteWe've played random gaming a couple of times in recent cups, once again we look forward to another good game.

Poland Random Gaming| aA
Quote4kings, our next opponent in em series, they sure know how to play, i expect it's gonna be a nice and a decent game.

Four-Kings vs. Random Gaming
ESL Major Series Playoffs
bow down to the k1ng
The statements are always the same and have usually no content. :P
no wonder when they are foced by esl:D
"oh, we havent got a statement yet. i'll just copy a statement from another team"
EMS Rulebook:
QuoteThe statement has to be in an adequate quality and should contain around 50 words. Should the statement be missing, not be of an adequate quality or too short the ESL Major Series administration can give one minor penalty.

Just wait until tomorrow :D
It has nothing to do with the ESL or you or whatever. I mean statements by itself.
I know, but we added this rule as we expected already something like that. We need someone like corugnoll at ET / ETQW :D
ET QW is AWESOME btw !!
SO are YOU btw !!
rufio jij speelt!
hopefully Activision are giving their yes to the patch asap. Need ETQWTV :<
Good luck Finland Random Gaming!
w00t go hentaipwnzor
easy for 4kings
Random Gaming without Poland wolina have no chances to win
he still plays for em :<
och I tho he left due private problems and Rzeznik replaced him
oioioi inactive! ;) mind removing me from intact mate taaa v mutch
4kings played well and there's no doubt here, we tried some new tactic on sewer without practise and we failed pretty badly :(
too ez for hentai
GG 4Kings.
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