ET:Quake Wars 1.4 is up

As announced earlier today in another newspost on the official website, the latest and not that long awaited patch for ETQW is available to download! Over 400 MB of brand new and special features requested by the community and implemented by SplashDamage over the past months are now public to make your very own ETQW life much easier and requieres less brain especially with the brand new training system! Anyway, the waiting time is past and the reason why ETQW is realy awesome comes with the support of SplashDamage. In addition to the latest patch release, SplashDamage will release a new demo version to get more players interested in competing with their skill in 1.4.

Major Features
- Advanced and simplified HUD modes
- Improved Server Browser
- Basic Training for New Players
- Support for Auto-Downloading
- Network Fixes
- Gameplay Balance Improvements (Hit box fix, Weapon balance fix, MCP fullhold fix)
- Bug Fixes
Find all details about major changes in the Dev Blog.

Full Changelog[/b]:]
Quote by changelogFront End
- Hot Servers listing added to the server browser (includes listing of number of players considering joining the server)
- Server browser now updates player count the instant somebody chooses to connect to it
- Added panel to the server browser screen that displays the users stats and awards progress
- Ticker on server browser screen now links to external web sites
- New options available on Play Computer screen
- Additional option on the Game Settings screen (Advanced HUD, Respawn Text, Draw Fireteam List etc)

Play Computer
- New Tutorial mode with pre-set bot skill levels
- Key tooltips now briefly pause the game in tutorial mode to help lead the player
- Tooltips played in tutorial mode now highlight corresponding HUD elements where appropriate
- Additional new tooltips
- Updated bot AI for Tutorial mode: bots play less aggressive, assist more and pace the completion of objectives

- Head hitbox for player models adjusted, damage now scales better based on accuracy
- New VO added for tooltips
- Subtle Motivators added - When players achieve various records in-game they are told so via a pop-up message
- Vehicles at the main base of either side are now immune to damage after spawning, immunity is lost when used by a player
- Spawning vehicles are now static until used by a player to avoid exploiting
- Mines are now highlighted by green or red dots on the HUD
- Fireteam leaders are now displayed with White player arrows, fireteams with Yellow arrows and friends with Cyan arrows
- Vampire Strike beacon smoke effect has been updated
- Revive missions for Medics/Technicians are now Tasks
- Matches can now be paused mid-game via 'pausegame' or 'admin pause/unpause'
- Player models on the limbo menu now rotate 360 degrees when a class is first selected
- Buttons added to mute limbo menu voice tutorial
- End game stats screen has been updated with new stats info (Next Award, Rewards gained this campaign, Personal Bests, Mouse over info on map awards like Best Engineer)
- Advanced HUD option (moves text, reduces space used by obituaries and moves subtle motivator pop-ups)
- Deployables now display the owner's name on Crosshair info
- New HUD icons for parachuting/air-shield and Third Eye Camera
- Reduced decoy fire rate on Tormentor and Anansi
- Reload time increased on Anansi Rockets and Tormentor Plasma Cannon
- Reduced damage done to deployables by Anansi Rockets and Tormentor Plasma Cannon
- Re-balanced Anansi and Tormentor XP
- Basic hacking has had its time reduced and can now also cause damage when hacking an already disabled deployable
- Slightly updated effects on Violator
- Sniper Rifle and Railgun trails are now more obvious/longer duration
- Stroybomb reload time increased slightly
- Adjusted the point at which the attacking team gets a reduced spawn time
- Progress decay on some objectives has been adjusted
- Player's now receive a warning when a turret is targeting them or when they have triggered a mine
- Added more support for loading mods
- A message is printed on the HUD when someone finishes hacking a shield generator
- The game running in fullscreen no longer forcefully captures the mouse, resulting in better multitask behaviour
- 'vstr' now evaluates immediately, rather than adding its output to the end of the command buffer
- Workaround for certain ISPs filtering out legitimate authentication and match making packets
- Multiplayer stereo sound separation algorithm alternative from Quake 4 added, s_earSeperationAlgo 1 to enable (Default and legacy is 0) two additional cvars for control: s_esa1_minVolume (sound never drops below this fraction for either ear), s_esa1_maxWindow (window size in which volume is maxed, fraction of full range)
- Text declarations now take priority over binary ones to make mod development easier
- WriteJumpStartDemo now overwrites existing files
- Added local stats tracking for offline play
- Increased XP reward for players picking up your Health Packs, Ammo Packs and Stroyent Cells
- Added green repair indicators if someone repairs your vehicle.
- The icarus is now more forgiving to lock on to
- The MCP auto-deploys when it has been in the deploy zone for half a second, deploy text on HUD removed.
- MCP does not take damage unless it can move
- MCP driver can now remain inside the MCP when it is disabled
- MCP driver MG cannot be used when the MCP is disabled
- Shotgun pellet count reduced and fire rate increased
- Assault Rifle and Lacerator base weapon accuracy increased
- Sprinting will now pull you out of sighted/scoped mode
- APT turrets now have a 1.5 second delay before it starts turning towards the player.

- Added support for spawning repeater server on dedicated server, net_spawnRepeater 1 to enable
- Added support for connecting repeater relay servers to other repeater servers, net_spawnRepeater 1 to enable
- The port the repeater will use can be controlled by net_repeaterPort, the default is 27833 is no port is specified
- Use ri_maxViewers to control viewer slot limit for repeater servers
- Access to the repeater can be limited by the use of ri_useViewerPass, g_viewerPassword, g_repeaterPassword, ri_privateViewers and g_privateViewerPassword
- Repeater server name can be controlled by ri_name
- Viewers may chat to other viewers on the same repeater server, this can be disabled with g_noTVChat
- Viewers may cycle through player views by pressing the attack key, and free fly using the alt attack key
- Broadcasting can be delayed by changing net_clientRepeaterDelay, this is only supported on repeater relays
- Repeaters can be set up to auto-download required content by setting net_clientRepeaterAutoDownload to 1
- For additional information on the ETQW TV feature, please see the ETQW TV Readme file.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed saving some passwords causing the local account to be corrupted
- Fixed typing quickly scrambling user input
- Fixed typing while holding down Shift sometimes causing text overwrites
- Fixed low apparent texture quality if texture quality settings were below the baseline
- Fixed an intermittent crash on startup during the "Loading UI..." stage
- Fixed crash when loading a map on ATI brand cards
- Fixed serverInfo command incorrectly reporting server status
- Fixed filters being applied to History and Favorites list
- Fixed auto-updater being used when running from the Steam version of the game
- Fixed ServerLauncher not reloading the last opened profile
- Fixed ServerLauncher not properly setting the mod
- Fixed being able to corrupt user chat history
- Fixed a crash when deleting the last item in the replay list
- Fixed sometimes being able to send empty messages when chatting
- Fixed jittery bots & vehicles when playing against the computer with unlockFPS on
- Fixed clipping through ceiling when getting out of the Husky in specific locations
- Fixed Player.cpp bad floating point dump-to-console error
- Fixed GDF deployable "jerk" on landing
- Fixed servers having incorrect antilag tuning - antilag tuning CVars are now read-only
- Fixed infiltrator being able to teleport without having full charge
- Fixed bugs with accurized lacerator/scoped assault rifle scoping & unscoping
- Prevented vehicle view FOV issues - FOV limited to 90 when in vehicles
- Fixed loading screen sometimes showing previous server's information
- Fixed relative directory name detection incorrectly marking certain paths as relative, resulting in problems when attempting to create directories or files
- Fixed offline friends in the friends list incorrectly appearing as if they were on a server
- Fixed 5.1 and 7.1 audio not working in certain surround configurations
- Fixed mouse buttons not being swapped correctly when the raw input api was used
- Fixed autocompletion not working in certain situations for files that exist in PK4s
- Fixed bindings.cfg able to be being executed multiple times in a frame due to input language switches, potentially resulting in keys not being bound
- Fixed projection matrix jittering being applied in cases where it shouldn't (for example, waypoint icon coordinate calculation)
- Fixed not always clearing the fireteam name edit box before opening it.
- Fixed 'create' on fireteam menu when trying to create more than 8 fireteams.
- Fixed playing OOB tooltip even though player was dead.
- Fixed inverted "blocked you"/"unlbocked you" tooltips in the friends list.
- Fixed campaign tab being fullscreen when restarting map and going straight to the vote tab.
- Fixed seeing the action icon on enemy mines even though disarming was impossible from that distance.
(thanks to jazze for url, )

According to minor rumours, is already preparing for mass ETQW:TV coverage in the near future! You can also prepare for the Crossfire organized European Allstar battle coming soon with the server updated and the following announcement by Germany swine. So stick to crossfire and stay tuned for the first major ETQW:TV action powered by and CF!

- Download[/b]] #
# FileFront
# Fileplanet
# Gamers Hell
# QuoVadis Clan
# Student Net Twente
# The Patches Scrolls
# Worthplaying
# Official .torrent

For Linux and server files visit the official community page and read the 1.4 announcement.

- Source

Minor note: There is a server issue making servers crash very often, the issue has been tracked down and a fix will be released shortly!
Nice <3
Crap patch, almost every server crashes and they are forcing higher graphics :(
nice patch, hitboxes seem much better and skill based now and I can't wait to watch my first match on ET:QW TV.
lol liddle to late :)
3 months late but at least its there :)

If it really forces higher graphics that's kinda shit though :/
Now I have atleast 1 reason to have the etqw shortcut on my desktop. :o)
I have one more not to!
etqwtv will be fun once in a while! :[
nice fkuppatch every server crashes gg
great patch
whoa this mean i can actually play the game now and loging n stuffs?
According to SD they are currently updating the servers.
ET what? :))
FFS. We are all expecting this patch, hopefully. And now becuz of this, servers crash. Why dont test it for 1-2 days or something. This is again a strike against ETQW
The patch is working good. All private servers are doing fine.
The public servers crashed cause of the big amount of people who wanted to play
they just confirmed new release, sending to gsp currently
gratz u can pause the game now
hope it wont work with pub's :asd
btw i lost your money :(
It was 10euros :S

plz dont' break my legs!!!!
Link to new demo, any1 ?

couldn't find it after 1 minute!
Not released yet, soon hopefully.
alright, thanks vmuch
the new patch suck so hard omg is it so hard to make a good patch ffs this rlly sucks it laggs it shock could better play mario world
the hitboxes have gone :(
gangstarN comebACk ???

:oo HHHMMMM !!!!!!!!!
they have fucked the hitboxes up :(
you should have said "they have fucked the hitboxes up even more :("
Actually the hitboxes are way better now, but you have to really aim now, instead of just spraying around like before. :O)

edit: And to all the whimpy whiners out there, grow a pair and stop wallowing in your own tears. You won't become any better from sobbing and crying how bad things are.
with a total time played of 9h 34m 8s and average acc 29% i dont think your in aposition to tell anyone anything ref ETQW so stfu!
Well, I'm happy to tell you that I play for Team Speed-Link and play ET:QW since beta 11.
xd owned :P

however is doen't detract from the fact i have also played from the closed beta also and have been very active since sept. I was in GN that became Team Coolermaster, but left as i could not be avtive enough. I do still play clanned. Maybe i should just give more time to get used to it. I have a pretty decent acc normally but last night couldn't hit shit :D
I got to admit, the aiming/hit detection is very different to the last release (in a positive way), but in my opinion one of the many points that guarantee a game were you need to be skilled, instead of utter randomness, are precise hitboxes.
That i agree with !
I thought you was the GN manager? GN merged with immortal because of the completely democratic-style of GN, and immortal became Team CoolerMaster. You had nothing to do with either of the latter.

You also played something like 1 game for GN.

P.S. Love how you claim that i3d 3rd place in your achievements when you wern't even in the team!
Bulldog was never leader of GN and never part of Immortal or TCM. He played like 1 match for GN then was too inactive to play. Matsy/Chris and Myself were sort of the co-leaders of it GN.
I'm not like trying to start any arguments here but Bulldog you were hardly " Quake Wars public BETA Cup 2007 Division 2." (your profile) when you didn't play any of the games in it and you had left before the final ;D I'm just saying is all, not getting at you or anything.
no never been leader of GN, I was part of the GN team at the time and like you said it wasn't meant to mislead or be misinterpreted. If your part of something your part of it. Whether you play or not. Clans dont say the backups were not part of team do they? I just happened to move home during the cup. Also i was still in GN when the cup died due to it changing to valley. I dont know where on earth the manager of GN came from as i certainly never said it :D Maybe a mix up as im manger of Team-Unique.Europe ET. I have added some /edits to keep you happy XD cu @ cdc
you are only part of SL cause of your plasma mortar :D
It's called Plasma Melkor. :p
Melkor = Team Speedlink + Swiss National Team
Bulld0g = pub + ?
owned :D:D:D
"Melkor = Team Speedlink + Swiss National Team"

i guess every swiss guy who plays etqw competitively is in the national team :p
Gotta say, I thought they were better too.
agree this update is totally bullshit
To me it feels like they became better, just need time to get used to it
I disagree the hitboxes are much better now, just can't seem to get headshots as much anymore.
nah not only that almost all what you can fck up thay did :D
can I watch etqw:tv with pirate version of etqw ? :)
you only need a copy of the game, you dont need to login with an account to watch etqwtv

Maybe this game does have a future... Although I doubt it.
Might reinstall!
now i'll buy the game! xP
LoL at people saying the patch is too late... how long did it take for ET to get a good comp mod again? yeah...
You got to consider, that most of the people posting comments on xfire nowadays play ET for about 1-2 years, so most of them don't even know how it was the first year without ETTV nor a finished competition mod. :p
well said... so fucking true !
Atleast the basics of ET were fun to play with.
qw infantry rocks without mod for me :p
You should consider that the developers of ETQW had a lot of pro-mods to steal things from, such as OSP, ETPro, cpma etc, while ET was released as an unfinished sequance to RtCW.

You could have expected A LOT more from the developing team.
They simply did not learn from the past or did not want to.

There is still hope for a better game though, if they hurry up a bit :-)
I guess they never had the competition in mind, or how Cn u explain the missing pause function, speclock, fireteam issues, missing good ready function (cmon that should have worked!) and stuff which makes a competitive game.
They focused on teamplay, as they always said, that went quite fine, but the real needs for a comp. game weren't on their list.

But people will gegt used to this game as SD will make it better with any patch or maybe the modders will give us a perfect game. Pretty much the same with RTCW -> ET - i still have to laugh when i think about the discussion if wolfrof should be set to 1 or 0...
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