Agony † Realm is back in buisness !

image: 2-newsite

Since the return of the motivation and a nice talk to the Italy A+R management the team decided to relive Agony Realm.ET.

If you were watching us the last few weeks you would know that we were preparing ourselves as Europe But the main training-phase starts now as AgonyRealm. We will try to give the best for the clan.

With Captain fireBall as leader we present you the new Europe Lineup:

Turkey fireBall (C) (HighBot)

Russia freezer (GaB & HighBot)
Russia guezz (u96d & Helix)
Russia humM3L (Remedium & Sprd)
Germany jiggy (Angeldust & xSp)
Germany criatura (TFW & Ultimate)
Germany ketura (Old Ultimate)
Netherlands Lux (HighBot)

Statement from Turkey fireBall :

I'm very confident and think that Agony Realm will be the right place for the new ET-squad.
Special thanks to A+R. Nice to be with you.

You can download the A+R Lineup Trailer

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You can find the us in #AgonyRealm Thx for your time.
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