Sunday's ETTV

image: small_3dLots of games listed for ETTV today, made up of the Clanbase Benelux Cup, NationsCup, and of course ET.Gather cup, which starts (and ends) today. At time of writing (the unholily early time of 10.31am), the first round draw has already taken place, so plant your eyes on either the official grid, or the listings on for both matches and ETTV infos. Follwing the theme of late draws, the #et.gather cup has only one fixture announced so far with all games between 15.30 - 20.15 CET still waiting to learn of their ETTV slot count. You can see all the first round matches, and watch the cup progress on the grid page, where games such as last season's uQ beating winners team kirby taking on the Israeli clan divinity, and the newly reformed Insta-Gods lineup finding out what they've got in a game against the Polish side VooDoo.
However, we do have one ETTV confirmed game starting after lunch:

ET.Gather Cup - Site

14:15 CET - Poland inf0 vs Benelux prodigy
Originally scheduled to pitch Dutch side prodigy against the Warriors of Wolfenstein, inf0 have had to step in following the WoW camp's decision to fold after many months of fine performances. The ever-strong Polish contingent on gtv are predicting an easy win for inf0, but knowing prodigy these thoughts will be far from shared. Fighting for a place against the winner of SKIT-EVIL and Kids with Guns, this seems as good a game as any to mark the start of the 3rd ET.Gather cup.

Clanbase Benelux 6v6 - Site

19:00 CET - Benelux prodigy vs Netherlands dHb
Prodigy return to action here in the Benelux Cup II, premier division group B. dHb come into the game having beaten promethia in a close game, whilst prodigy require wins tonight and against promethia in order to place top of the group. Otherwise, dHb will have full points, and leave the other two teams scrapping for second spot. While I'm here, I'd just like to say someone should really take responsibility for the Cup page, the grid hasn't been updated and apparently we are in the Status: Fourth Matchweek (20 Feb - 27 Feb). Let's sort this cup out!

21:00 CET - Netherlands fdnl vs Belgium mycruz
ZLINKO and company will set about all but destroying the flying dutchmen's hopes in this cup tonight, who require a win to stay in the competition after losing their last game to cs3r.Routiniers in a straight 4:0 defeat. mycruz on the other hand will surely see themselves as the stronger team anyway and should be able to last the distance over the two maps sw_goldrush and radar. If mycruz win this, fdnl will have to wait on the result of mycruz vs Routiniers to see their final group placing. Overall, nothing less than a win will do for fdnl, but mycruz might just be too strong anyway.

Clanbase NationsCup - Site

20:00 Spain Spain vs Norway Norway
Spain and Norway side right next to each other in group D, with the Spaniards claiming 3rd spot and the Norweigans one place below in 4th. Both teams had different starts to their tournaments, with Spain flattened by a strong Germany team, but Norway navigating a win against Eire. However, a reversal of fortune then followed, which saw Norway unable to beat Poland, but Spain beat Switzerland in a tight game right through from prediction to result. Including this game, Norway have a tight schedule to play, with a game against Switzerland being forced for tomorrow, meaning there will be no restbite for Snuble and team. The symmetry of the fixture was confirmed when Spain beat Eire the other day, meaning that this game really does decide who swims, and who drowns.

20:00 CET - France France vs United States of America USA
France have upheld their impressive appetite for defeat this NationsCup with losses in all four of their games against Hungary, Holland, Czech Republic and Sweden. Tough games, but the group of death takes no prisoners, and the cheese-eating surrender monkeys now see themselves down in position 6 out of 7, rated better than Malta on a purely statistical basis. The two sides meet next matchweek, but France's opponents tonight have already played the Maltese and won, hence their slightly better group rank. Effectively, these two teams are now only playing for pride, and it would take one unbelievable flurry or red-cards or drop outs to keep these two in the NationsCup. Still, at least the Yanks can go back to doing what they're best at, being the other side of the pond, and the French won't have any annoying irregularities in their national acheivement list (one Frenchman once boasted to me that France were the world champions of handball, until I posted out that they both invented it, and are the only nation to take it seriously).

21:00 CET Hungary Hungary vs Malta Malta
Some would say I've been a little too harsh on Malta this NationsCup; they have, after all, given it their best, and produced some tense and close rounds despite results claiming otherwise. But the fact remains that they still have failed to win a single match, and can be found at the bottom of the same group as the above game. Hungary have produced a mixed bag also, from losing tough games against the likes of Holland and Sweden, but winning the easier games versus the USA and France, it would seem to be a case of having enough quality, but being unable to deliver when the pressure was really on. Nevertheless Hungary still have the Czechs to play after this, the result of which will only then determine the sucess of their season. Malta of course can now only play for pride, and attempt to show the ET community that they are more than just there to make an appearance. Whilst the Hungarians will prove to be as stiff an opposition as any, they have a real chance come next matchweek against France, and perhaps this knowledge will propel them to something special tonight.

21:30 CET - Estonia Estonia vs Canada Canada
For Estonia, this match will have something of an edge to it. Widely expected to topple Slovenia last round, their loss dropped them down to 3rd place in the group to the bemusement of the players and their followers alike. Canada are unlikely to provide any real threat having lost all their games thus far and holding last place, but Estonia must ensure they do not slip into a complacent mind-set that looks to undo the predicted dominance we all know the team is capable of. Austria next round will provide a greater challenge, but the great teams have to be able to perform on not only the big stage but also the small stage too. Kind of like do the simple things right first, then greatness later. In anycase, Canda look unlikely to force the Estonians out of 2nd gear, and will look forward to the result from the upcoming game between Belgium and Slovenia.

Monday 21:00 CET Poland Poland vs Germany Germany
TosspoT asked me to leave this one to him, for the simple reason that he will be on hand to cast the game courtesy of iTG. More coverage to follow shortly!

All the games mentioned here can be checked for ETTV, including updates, at the ever reliable
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