Germany takes on Poland in Schnappi warfare!

image: Schnappi
Tommorow night Germany take on Poland in the most highly anticipated game of this seasons Nations Cup. However, for one family this game will see not only two nations at war, but a family at war, I quote from uncyclopedia;

QuoteSince 2004 the new national anthem of Germany is "Schnappi das kleine Krokodil". The most famous version of the song is the one when Schnappi sings himself. Schnappi is originally from Egypt but had emigrate in 2004 for being politically persecuted. For Germany accepts every emigrant, the small Krokodil chose to hunt the dumb country. His uncle is called Schnapsi, lives in Emmaboda, Sweden, and is an alcoholic. Not to forget is also his aunt Schlampi, living in Poland.

The national anthem will be sung before the game by Schnappi live on iTG, however his aunt Schlampi has disowned her nephew for not joining her in Poland and the family is in tatters!

In other news; Germany lie top of group D with Poland hot on their tails in second place. Germany who have failed to impress in national competition are now starting to show the quality that their community has always had, the question is whether they can get themselves a medal this year?
The Polish opposition will be feirce, dont forget Polands gold medal that they stole from the Finns in NC 3, and for a country that has never had fruits in the clan scene the weight of their country rests on these brave soldiers!

GermanyGermany vs PolandPoland
Date: Monday 6th March - 21:00 CET
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT
Maps: SupplyDepot & Braundorf

I personally believe this is Germanys best ever season in Nations Cup. Having been on the end of a beating from the Germans when I was playing for the UK, and having shoutcasted them over the years, I've not seen them in as good a form as I did when they played Russia earlier this season. I think they'll take Poland to the cleaners tommorow, and if they can do that they can go all the way!
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