Royal Mess

The 4kings Call of Duty nightmare has continued today after yet another massive split in the ranks. What should be one of the flagship teams in the game and for the game has once again found itself split due to personal problems. The reasons and the results are currently pointing to a massive internal argument forcing players out, and we can confirm who has left the team:

United Kingdom Palmz
United Kingdom Pain
United Kingdom Skipz

That leaves the roster with Corp, ben and rco

Corp has given Crossfire this statement:

QuoteThe roster is again going to undergo a facelift. I'm sad to see Lee go as I liked him as a person and a player but Im happy to see the back of palmz. When we started this team he was a completely different player + person than he is now, so this team can only move forward now without him. Im confident you will be seeing us at cdc

And manager GeepaK has followed up with the following quote also;

QuoteWe have been made aware of some internal issues within the 4Kings Call of Duty 4 squad. We understand that the lineup did possess a large number of characters which inevitably conflicted. The conclusion is that we will be addressing the issues head on to decided the way forward

This troubled roster has again come under the spotlight again for all the wrong reasons, whether Corp can steady the ship is about to be seen however the managements patience has to have been tested with numerous top teams recently having been available, the opportunities missed by supporting a very troubled teams may cost 4kings their chance at success in Enschede.
gl rico, ben and corp!
There gunna fook up there cdc?
Palmz - royal dickhead and fail :>

Good luck!
gl, I wonder who's going to fill their place :o
I was actually unaware about all of this, I wasnt online, I havent played for a while and havent had that much chance, nor have I agree'd anything about CoD4 in the future, I like the game but havent had much chance to really get into it

As for the team, I dont know why this has I wasnt online and just got a text from phil when I was pissed out of my face saying him and pain had left...GL 4K sorry you have been screwed around, GL Andy Rco BEN phil lee, I dont knoww hat im doing in CoD4 or gaming now, and just for clarification, I didnt leave...If Im not in the team anymore I must of been kicked, because I certainly said nothing about leaving to anyone...

So therefor, I never left. People dont make decisions for me, I dont hop clans (whatever you may think) I have no issues with anyone in 4k.
These things happen within teams, big or small.

the way they are dealt with is the important thing, and for a team that no doubt prides itself on its professionalism this situation will not shine the sort of light they want on the 4K name.

strange statement by the team left aswell-
just seems the UK scene is really instable in general (although there are some great players in it)
that is because most UK players are arrogant and up themselves that they cry and fall out with eachother = clan dies.. i didnt see this clan lasting, and it didn't, the statement of corp regarding palmz is exactly the sort of thing i mean.

no doubt they screamed on ventrilo at eachother then one of them rage quitted which resulted in some form of kick command to abuse there e-power because they can talk shit as they are e-mazing but cant handle when they are flamed themselves, it could be block on msn, kick or ban on irc, kick or ban on ventrilo which has then turned into kick from clan!

It probably had nothing to do with COD4 either. I guess we will never know, but unless 4k look further than UK, it will just happen again because the same known names will be taken on (not that any "no-namers" are good, just stating facts) who already hate or dislike eachother inside.

there was a "player" that once told me he joined a team where he "carries the team by top fragging every game". point proven.

some players may be aged 22, but their online age is about 12. Obviously i cant speak for other national communities, but for uk, thats how it seems to be.

gl anyways
though when i used to play CSS with a wide amount of UK players they were the most friendly ppl i ever played with (apart from my close mates) , dunno if they directly get way more arrogant once they play for a known name but your statement dissapoint me a bit :(
yeh i found that too with UK players in CSS :)
Agreed, look at Ritch for example.

Most arrogant shite that ever existed. xD
gl corp with forming a new lineup
GL palmz etc & GL 4k
I heard geordie is creating the new look 4K.cod

Toss should get exclusive scoop in an interview
the names just keep appearing ;)

good to see you on radar, playing cod4/et:qw?
few cod4 mixes for shits and giggles you know
GL 4kings - SORT IT OUT!
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