Call of Duty gets an update

Here it is, another update for the Infinity Ward shooter Call of Duty 4.
In 1.5 some major bugs in the multiplayer game have been fixed, like the reload bug when you connect on a modded server.

* Fixed server browser not showing all of the servers
* The "hold [ ] to steady" sniper scope hint will only appear if you can use it
* Fixed game not recognizing IWDs existing if they are all in fs_basepath and none are in the main/ folder
* Made mod scripts able to change stats
* Allow developer_script for mulitiplayer modding
* Fixed map rotation errors with usermaps
* Fixed minimap not showing up in the menu for usermaps
* Mod tools will now work with other languages

Grab the patch update from 1.4 to 1.5 here, but remember that 1.4 servers wont work and you are in need to update your CoD to 1.4 before you install the 1.5 patch.
A patch aimed for pub0rs :-/
there wont be a patch aimed for us pr0gamezorz for a while :<
hmm useless i think, they should have wait with it and put it along with other major stuff in the future...
0o where is the patch?
no cod:tv = no win
are there any plans yet for that btw?
Its on the list, that's what IW said. Though they failed to mention which list exactly :P
the rule is: a multiplayer game - without tv mod - is unable to get very popular
CoD2 was really popular and didn't have a TV mod either
The "hold [ ] to steady" sniper scope hint will only appear if you can use it

iw is serious business
for some reason the sniper unzooms more like cod2 now
yea thought it was just my impression
Still waiting for a ''don't show hardcore servers because it sux'' filter option.
rofl you and a few others
rofl @ hardcore noobs
Amazing patch -_-'
This game won't be finished for like 5 years more, since there are updates every single month :O)
wouldn't really say it's some major bugs that are sorted but yeah. glad to see IW is still patching the game :p
9 months left to CoD5, will be exciting to see how many patches they can release by that time.
and how many people will switch again
are ppl stupid?

cod5 will be liek cod3, consoles only and made by a crappy game developer
how do you know CoD5 will be console only?
IW said so apparently
cod5 won't replace cod4 because it's not being made by iw, its being made by treyarch who made UO and cod3, both terrible games that no 1 played.
Actually if you say Treyarch made UO you could say they made RTCW as well, which was a very successful second world war shooter. This is because the company who made UO was Gray Matter, which later merged with Treyarch. They also introduces CTF to Call of Duty, which was a very successful game mode for both public servers and competition I believe.
UO and cod3 were terrible, ctf is fun, not alot more to say.
cod5 is back to wowII
someone finally dragged themselves to do a news post! xD
nice mentioning the source and forcing people to download from your own server
does it matter where people download it from?
thats not the point
filter it out
We need a new map!
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