ET:QW Promod 0.03 Public Beta

After the release of the ET:QW Promod 0.02 the modding team planned to wait for the SD competition mod to built their mod on the SD source code. Bad things delayed the SD mod and since CDC #4 is pretty near the Promod team started to finish the next release, 0.03.

And here it comes, the newest Promod version including new fireteam functions, a working spawnsystem and many more. After a week full of beta tests the version is ready to release and you can grab it here

You can test the mod on the following servers: Team SPEED-LINK ETQWPro 0.03 by Team TIER ETQWPro 0.03

We consider this to be the mod played on the CDC4 Lan in Enschede.

A Full Changelog is


- Fixed Screenshots being black at the end of the round
- Fixed a message Overflow (caused client crashes)
- Fixed spawn Select
- Fixed class selection (see later)
- Fixed ready Team (there may still be some issues)

- Removed player class (weapon) restriction (broken)

- Demos are now named like "date_time_map"
- Demos will start when countdown starts
- Demos will end as soon as the map ends or @ a match reset
- FireTeams now show Members HP
- latched Classes
- Hitsounds are really hearable now
- weapons spread adjusted

- Introduced Pause function.
Every team has 3 Pauses which can last 2 minutes.
Only Team Members and admins can unpause
Unpause will have a delay of 5 seconds

- Introduced setSpawnPoint / setspawnpt
setspawnpoint will print all available spawns!
setspawnpoint <id> will let u spawn at the chose spawnpoint
setspawnpoint -1 will let u spawn at the Frontline!

- Introduced class Command
class <classid> <weaponid>

- ClientClass reverted back to normal
clientClass <classname> <weaponid>

- Introduced aliases.
pause -> pauseGame
unpause -> unpauseGame
readyteam -> teamReady
setspawnpt -> setspawnPoint

Download Links
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
2late but nice!
fine fine :)
nice ! CoMEBaCk??+
edit: The Server is currently full.
Wating for a free slot...
added another server
new ETPRO hs sounds

btw, it would be nice if leaning didn't interrupt reloading :/
Really nice :)
yeah baby ;)
Will give it a try tomorrow.
we like it so far in Kompaniet, looks promising!
its Epsilon!!!
Epsilon like it too!
alright, tried it out. a huge step for quakewars. if they would just make it feel a lot more smoother than what it is, it could be nice. though if this is used at cdc4, then need team for it! :XD
n1 and agree: QW needs smoother rendering
and a cvar to disable atmosperic effects and lower megatexture quality
really nice, can't wait for 1.0 :D
+killable hog gunner
+smoothness (especialy ...)
+smarter spawntimes
+less spread @ assaultrifle (even scoped sux donkeyballs)
+a bit higher firerate @ lancetor (or maybe make it like 30 lancetor bullets do same damage as 40 assault rifle, it takes the same much time to shoot out those (30 & 40) and spread same for both.....aka little bit of unballancing but not to much)

-heavy vehicles (trojan, tank, desacrator, cyclop)
-mg/hyperblaster @ hogs/armandillos, but +regular lancetor/assault rifle (maybe a bit lower spread for 2nd, higher firerate for 1st)
-all fliers + kick in the head for all who are against

and plz just fock off my english skillz, it's almost 5 am guyz....
this is and WILL never be ET!
i just don't want it to be like et - it should be better :D but cs-style spread is't rly thing i like in newer games.... oll of them are more like spray&prey than "become better aimer, kill more" :X

+those bangcockraping vehicles are just sad :X

and additional smoothness is always welcome.....
It already is better then ET :P Thanks to those cool vehicles
its unsmooth experience for ET players who are used to great mod such as etpro and antilag that works. etqw is like playing on a shit polish server with 250 ping without antilag. with promod the ping is nice, but ure playing with 3rd world country pc that cant reach more than 10 fps, thats what the movement looks like.
have to agree on that :/
Anybody have a list of servers running it?
Sounds nice, trying it out later tonight
Any news on whether leagues and cups will start using ET:QWpro?
CDC will use it as it seems
And CB and ESL are part of the community program, and new vote this week so we might see ESL and CB switching soon if the vote says yes.
What taken` said.
dont say that I have to try it out :S
you have to
good work, def. an improvement, i hope leagues will react fast and use this mod for their competitions
nice changelog! gj

SD are holding this game back again.....plz activision slap them! They really are bunch of amateurs
give them some slack its their first commercial game... and when there is something to blame Activision might be the cause as well
this is nice! i am srsly considering of buying this game
its a lot better now
reduced spread saved qw
looks pretty cool, will check it out asap
so much more fun to play compared to vanilla etqw

Nice hope more cool stuff will be added soon ":D
it would be nice if someone could paste a working spawnscript here, I tried everything, but it doesn't seem to work =(
take your et's spawnscript

it should do perfectly well
the vstr ones work aswell? for example "vstr spawnswitch" etc?
vstr are supported in etqw, yes. maybe you need to adjust a bit here and there, but they are working
hey, just some questions.
what will be in the upcoming release (apart from SD comp mod)
and do you see pigmod and ETQW pro working together/share sources?
-what will be in the upcoming release (apart from SD comp mod)
tbd and tba

-and do you see pigmod and ETQW pro working together/share sources?

well that is not my decision tbh. im only a coder. And im not sure if the goal of those 2 mods are more or less the same. Yet I think it wouldnt be wrong, but also im not sure if this really needed!

But thats non of my business
Really good, feels like quakecon build all over again, am in love <3
Quakecon build was shit, open beta 1 <3
open beta 1 was a pile of shit that ruined ETQW next to the demo and beta 2
you played it quite a lot and i didnt hear you complainin
i played it because i was playing closed beta at the same time and new the game had potential :) releasing the beta in the state it was in put 90% of the community off the game, hence it suffering so much damage
Yeah well I guess they should have foreseen people being retards and judging a game by a beta release.
Lol are u kidding me? Had the best hitregs, even better then the pr0mod.
nice mod

-spread for gdf rifle plz
On the topic of competitive mods I found this rather funny pigmod logo made by KaszpiR from the ET:QW community forums:
image: strogified-pig
epic fail!
you mean Kaszpir i suppose
ETQWPro mod is the worst mod ever..

Gameplay changes? gtfo.
worst mod ever that has former qw flamers say "holy shit" and most of the community welcomes with open hands?
Wait a minute whilst the makers of promod appologise to you for spoiling your public play.

On a serious note, surely you can see that these gameplay changes are so much for the better. You aim at someone on vanilla and its luck whether you hit them or not. Pro is not totally, but more so about aim.
good features but its laggy and not smooth at all.
It has absolutley no difference in lag compared to Quake Wars vanilla. If you get lag with your specs you have a problem.
why my brother that has even a better pc has lag also? Its not the pc and not the internet, problem is the servers our the mod. I dont have any problems with ET:QW vanilla not laggy at all 125fps all the way.
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