6Devils win QCUP!

German underdogs The 6 Devils have been crowed the champions of the CoDQCUP after a marathon tournament that saw them overcome CoD2 hotshots TeK-9 in the grand finals last night.

It started poorly for the Germans though as TeK-9 stole a march on them with a massive 13-4 win on mp_Crossfire to start the match. However into the second map (crash) and The Devils managed to reach the magic number of 13 to secure the win for them on the map, and because the Germans were coming from the Winner Bracket tieing the game, meant winning the tournament!

Europe's newly crowed top dogs are anxiously working towards attending CDC4 at the end of the month, this latest victory will only boost their chances of being in Enschede alongside all the teams they recently dismantled.
Personally this format doesnt make any sense to me, in a Double Elimination bracket you need to be eliminated (defeated) twice which TeK-9 haven't been, they've only been defeated once.

Anyway, I wanted the devils to win :P Hope to see you in enschede
I agree. It also seems weird to win a final with a tie imo.
isnt really a tie as one team must have the WB advantage, otherwise no freaking point having WB/LB. Making it Bo3 in final would have been weird also as Bo3 = best out of three and the WB winners should never be on equal terms as the LB team.

Standard format that have worked for so long, weird now why it shouldn't work......hmm but that is just my opinion and who am I to tell what is right or wrong
The standard format has always been best of 3. What games have you been playing?

If the LB team wins the first bo3, another bo3 is played to decide the final winner (if it causes time issues: on another day). If the WB team wins the first bo3, the game is over.
Exactly, that is the advantage of WB.. not to win when the game is tied..
on the other hand the game is still kinda tied - if both teams win 1 bo3 each.. :)

tired example:
team X from LB wins the first 2 maps.. meaning a 2nd bo3-round will be played. here, team Y (well, from the WB - duh) wins the first 2 maps. which would mean a 2-2 tie in maps, but with team Y winning the game since they were from WB.. but the teams would still be equal in score.. (so doesn't really matter how u do it, deffans way or chasers)

With a winner and a loser bracket a team always deserves to lose one match and still have a shot at winning the actual tourney. When you arrive in the grand final from the wb you havent lost a single match in the play offs thus you deserve to lose one match against the loserbracket finalist. Get it?
has it? oh then I dont know how CQC is runned.........LOL........take a look who i am before you talk about how CQC have been doing stuff........hahaha

and see dohfOs comment and take time to think.....
and what did they win?

They played some pretty amazing games.
they would have been bashed in cod2:>, watching games like these reminds me how random cod4 is and spray all the way baby. we can all hope cod5 will be like cod2:>
we all hope that there wont be cod5. waiting for rtcw2...
rtcw2 will fail, you know it!
never, you know it!
eyey! you play et:qw so your opinion doesn't count:>
more or less
spray and pray?
Do you even know them? T6D where a very decent CoD2 team, maybe not as decent as TeK-9 where but TeK-9 bashing T6D in CoD2 is not something I would see happen.
cod4 is still random and wallbanging
True but CoD2 was random as well, without wallbanging and it had great bolt action rifles :P
yea, atleast cod2 gave you the feeling your hitting what your aiming at">
I have that feeling strong in cod4 compared to cod2.
read back


and realise how you just owned yourself badly!
me no get it? :( I think cod4 is less random than cod2. explain why I got owned!
noswayfix ftw
we did it at oof2 though =(
Nice :) congrats devils!
Congrats to The6Devils they pretty much beat every top team so well deserved.
gz ifear <3
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