ESL Winter Cups ready to start

image: teaser_news As announced, the group stage of the ESL 4on4 and 6on6 Winter Cups will start at the beginning of this very week. Yesterday, just one day after the sign ups had been closed and one day before both cups will start with the first match week, the groups have been published. A total of 64 teams have signed up for the two cups in Europe's biggest league and will show us several hot and enthralling matches in the upcoming weeks.

image: banner_news

The first matchweek starts this Tuesday and will end on Monday February 18. All further matchweeks will also be scheduled from Tuesday till Monday. We will not switch to ETQWPro today, but it is highly probable that the situation will change in the next days. But anyway, if both teams agree to it, they can already play the match on an ETQWPro server. The first and second team of each group will join the playoffs, which will be held directly after the last matchweek of the groupstage has been played. For further details please read the official ESL Newspost.

ESL Newspost
6on6 Groups
4on4 Groups
should be fun, gl hf to everyone participating
Having come home all sweaty an hour ago I seem to forget its still winter, this sounds like a really nice competition and I would like to wish the participating teams the best of luck.
Great weather indeed.
winter wtf i thought it was spring already?:D
mm guess maplist is ark/salvage only then :P
nice one!
seems like a slight upswing on the et:qw community, finally some more participants on a cup since a long time ;>

gl&hf @ all

no 4kings, dignitas, epsilon?
We fear the penalty points
I second that.
ESL the league that randomly bans ppl without knowing it for sure.
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