eSports at the Olympics

The Global Gaming League (GGL) announced earlier today that they have purchased the rights to make eSports an official welcome event of this summer's Beijing Olympics, in yet another huge step for eSports.

Currently recognized as an official sport in China; the GGL have been given the rights to use the Olympic Rings in their logos for advertising The Digital Games. Whilst this will not be part of the Olympics, it will coincide with the first four days of the event. The venues for the final of the event, which will have a series of national qualifiers to determine the final participants, have not yet been confirmed, but are likely to be football stadia in Shanghai. It is not yet known whether the games which will be used will be played on the PC or on consoles, nor their genres or titles.Ted Owen, CEO of the GGL, expects not only heavy media coverage but crowds to exceed those of the official Olympic events. Owen also stated that he hoped that The Digital Games could create "the ultimate elevation of gaming and the culture of gaming to the world stage", with Fong Hong, General Secretary of the China Internet Gaming Organizing Committee stating that "In the long run, we hope that video gaming becomes a formal sport throughout the world. That is the long-term vision."

rofl !

edit: "Ted Owen, CEO of the GGL, expects not only heavy media coverage but crowds to exceed those of the official Olympic events."

not gonna happen :D
They can actually fill pretty big areanas for people to watch Moon or other WC3 stars...
awesome :DD
wtf -_-
it will be FIFA 2008 and some other "clean" game. what else?
wc3, sc, wow?
SC, the lead Chinese guy is a fan, apparently.
I think you confuse China with South Korea.
a racing game like live for speed or rfactor imo
olympics suck all kind of newschool sports more tradition..for me olympics hast lost its spirit at all.
It seems someone didn't make it into the Olympics :D
just a sad world...
oh c'mon... :E gaming should never be considered sports... sure it might be a bit better to say to a girl that you're an olympic athlete, than you're a pro gamer... but still? Thats just wrong
You are wrong. We are not worse than 50% of this list.

For people like you this is a 'sport':
image: 1904_tug_of_war

But this is not:
image: WCG_qjpreviewth

starcraft just ownz!
competition =/= sport
"Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determiner of the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors."

Read this twice.
you need physical capabilities in esports, otherwise everyone could aim like mAus.

but still, i dont think esports should go olympia
Yes, you need, I know that.

I think the same, but it's the best way now to show it worldwide.
yeah, pigeon racing! my favorite sport :D
If Syncronised (spelling?) Swimming is classed as a sport then E-Sports should be :)
swimming is maybe the best sport ever. It trains the whole body , so GTFO
E-gaming trains your reflex, logical thinking and, for example, skill in creating tactics (ofc not as good as chess, which are a sport too :P).
chess has his own olympics. I am speaking about sport , which means moving.
starcraft players move their hands like crazy to micro so well and stuff, so it takes physical excercise. the best average at around 300-400 APM (actions per minute), JulyZerg even peaked at 800 once. Just try smashing even one button on your keyboard 400 times a minute as fast as you can, your hand will get tired. They do that and not only press one key, but press multiple keys for 10-20 minutes straight, sometimes games even extend to hours.
I hope you are just joking :D
omfg did you just not read what I put? I can't believe you just said that. I said Syncronised Swimming. Not race swimming retard. Syncronised Swimming is where they dance in the water rofl.
Learn to fucking read before you try and retort on something I never said you fucking jobber.
Haha :d Your the retard actully. Even for that youll have to be well trained. Its not some kindergarten comp where feet can touch the bottom of the pool and they just wave some hands and parents clap. Maybe you should try doing something like throwing other people in the air from the water,withour your feet on the bottom. Takes some effort? No way
Not nice, that sucks.
first step to world domination
wow weird!
tosspot for olympic shoutcaster :X
Won't be if its a GGL event.
hope djwheat will do it :D
idd so do I. He's better than Tosspot imo
waiting for game picks, WOW & GUITAR HERO would be awesome

QuoteThe Digital Games will be a promotion for gaming and pure entertainment, in addition to some real competition. Players will include sports and music celebrities like Snoop Dogg as well as both professional and amateur gamers competing in a variety of tournaments. Owen is even trying to recruit Olympic athletes to participate.
Leave guitar hero to me.
guitar hero, wow, fifa 2008 o/, sc
in my opinion the answers here are obvious as to which games they are likely to take:

SC, fifa 2008 and (i'd say quake 3 but..) DDR...

but... i think:

if its an FPS then imo they SHOULD quake 3 on pc although more likely to take CSS.. depends
if its a racing game they SHOULD take GT5Prologue on ps3 although more likely to take nothing
if its a fighting game they SHOULD take streetfighter although they more likely to take doa 4
they WILL take SC
if its a fun energetic game they SHOULD take DDR and not that lame guitar hero
if its a "sports" game they WILL take fifa 08
they could possibly take wow, but for something to goto the olympics it has to be exciting for every1 to watch... those games i mentioned there are for sure.
you forgot rock ban ( drum , 2 guitars and sing)
We'll see what it brings.
sorry but let keep gaming like it is
noob, why don't you join the irc channel?
dont like you
I really hope they'll take some team games as well so it wont be a solofest.

Duel FPS: Quake 4

Team FPS: CS 1.6 to be prefered over CSS but CSS is fine too. CoD4 would probably be too much of a risk due to CoD5

Fighthing (console): they should take SSBB <3
Would imo work perfectly for gaming, other than that I guess one of the games from the SF or KoF series would be nice to watch as well.

Racing: careface

Strategy: What's most popular in Korea at that point. (Starcraft II?)
I doubt you will see any fps there, might as well start praccing Richochet :P
i hope it will never happen
-lol this sux, sport is about being the best in physical ability.
just like chess is a think-sport, gaming is too, and you dont see chess at the olympics...

-people that go to the olympics have to work really really hard for it and they dont get their tickets for free, they really deserved it. If we are going to send some gamers there they dont deserve it because some of them "train" maybe two hours a day and thats nothing compared to pro sporters. (you cant possibly compare an eight hour prac to a two hour endurance training, ever.)

thats two opinions i have
the real life sportmen you are talking about are, for most of them, earning a insane amount of money for practice time / competition one, even if they dont win anything while a whole event they can still live out of the money they earn each month ...

Our e-heroes we are talking about here gets nothing (for most of them) or a very little amount of money, often not enough to live from and still you want them to pracc 8 hours a day to deserve their tickets ? mhmhmm ..

In my opinion someone working/studying for the whole day and then be still able to handle a game at a top level without getting anything for it deserves more a ticket than someone earning twice (or more) usual ppl's paycheck for doing nothing and most of the time not even winning a single event, even if this event requires muscles skils (h3h3h3) ...

edit: regardless of the china where everything gets messy when its about esport ..
if you think all sporters earn an insane amount of money you are so wrong, its only in teamsports for starters, and its a very select top that gets loaded, the others earn enough to live from and thats the way it should be.

and i dont think people that handle their school issues + play a game on a good level deserve it to go to the olympics, there are other people that also handle everything gamers do and after their hours they do things we should give them credit for too.

i do sports on a high level myself, i train 15 hours a week, my friend, who trains 20 has the mentality and the physical endurance to go to the olympics, the times he swims now would get him close to semi finals, but belgium is so strict they wont let him go .. yet, he has to swim that little bit faster, 0.15 second to be exact, you have no idea what stress that brings, he HAS to swim that time within half a year, gamers dont have that stress, if you pay soon enough you can go to cdc and have a good time, wp.

you obviously have no idea what olympics are to sports and what they will never be to gaming.
shh you talk shit

what sport do you do on high level?! i dont see your name anywhere.. and these gamers play 5 hours a day, and HAVE to win or they get nothing, most are receiving no salary, for them and us its for fun, as so for real sportsmen

it states quite clearly this is not the olympics only for show on the first 5 days, in other words, its one huge lan party that will take esports to the next level by showing people on a much larger scale, im sorry that you are not good enough at gaming to get anywhere, and have probably worked your whole life to get somewhere in this pro sport you play but do not speak anything of, hense, have gotten nowhere which brings me to my next point: atleast see this out of your little box

did you even read the news post or were you content on being e-hard and flaming everyone? if your answer to that is no and then yes, you are one sad little person and should grow up

1. i did read it
2. yes i try very hard to be good at my sport, but i dont have the talent to be the best, which is a pity, i cant help that
3. i couldnt care less not to be able to go to that lan
4. my sport is swimming and me and three mates have swam 2 belgian records last year, you can say it wasnt just me, but then so are alot of teamsports
5. the money i made from my sport is € 248, in six years. you say gamers have to win to get money, well, i have to win as much as they do, and i still get nothing, how does that sound?
it sounds exactly like gaming

so therefore you just proved yourself wrong
three times a week i get up at 5.30 to train before i go to school, are there clans that meet on irc before school to play pracs and get better? i dont think so
does david beckham get up before school to train? no

could i get up at 5am to practice? if i want to

do gamers play more than 3 times a week? yeh they usually play 5-7

david beckham cant get ut before school cause he has no school, but be sure he is training before you get out of your bed

you could get up if you want to, so can everyone, but try to keep that up, you couldnt do that, cause you dont have the balls for it

who said anything of training 3 times a week? i train 8 times a week and i'm sure beckham does 6 hours a day for 7 days a week so stfu
the fact that i goto university 25 hours a week, game 3 hours a night, model, go for a run every morning and play football quite clearly means i have a lot more potencial in life than someone who spends their time creating arguements on crossfire that they cannot win, especially because they did not read the post correctly.

i do not wish to argue with you anymore, you clearly have no clue and i go back to my initial point that is quite clearly written in the post

"Whilst this will not be part of the Olympics"

it is just an event at the olympics that will bring bejing, and the 100s of sponsors a lot more money, as long as there are sponsors or atleast money availiable to be made then there are events, this applies to everything in life.. ask yourself this, why do you think there is a gaming event there in the first place?

The fact that this is hosted at the olympics means that gamers will get alot more coverage and will, if covered appropriately open up esports to new oppertunities which will, in turn, lead to long term financial gains in many areas, not just the hosts.

personally i dont really care for it because by the time gaming gets somewhere, i wont be in any fit state to compete because ill be going on 25+. but for the future of gaming it's only positive news and for anyone currenly studying any kind of course, or are still young and are unsure what to do but have are thinking about getting into gaming from a business perspective, this news is $$$ for them.

once you realise this you may still get somewhere yourself in life, that is if you fail to get anywhere with swimming. But i wish you good luck with that and hope it goes well.
apparently i dont realise it and therefore i will never get anywhere in my life, point taken.

and i think we should all agree now that you have indeed a lot more potential in your life than i have.

"the greatest of the national festivals of the ancient Greeks, consisting of athletic games and races, dedicated to Olympian Zeus, celebrated once in four years at Olympia, and continuing five days."

i do not see gaming as a sport, but the definition of olympics does not read the word sport, and its called "the olympic games" therefore, gaming = games. gg
athletic games and races
you couldnt call any game athletic, cause it does not requite physical ability
there are racegames, so they could be allowed
Quotei do not see gaming as a sport, but the definition of olympics does not read the word sport, and its called "the olympic games" therefore, gaming = games. gg

xD best logic ever
but you dont train your sport all night long until 7 in the morning do you?
playing overnight and thus staying awake is infinitely more easy than getting up at 5.30 to train when the day before has been tough too

maybe you dont get it that gaming doesnt make you tired and training does, so i wouldnt be able to train overnight would i? i need my sleep
comparing physical exhaustion is not in place here. if you never played cpm or qw at a decent level you cant understand that playing 10 minutes alone while focusing to the max leaves you quite mentally fatigued.
you can be concentrated as hell, but it doesnt take much to keep you going,
if you've done 75% of your race, the acid in your muscles is at its highest, your heart beats at 220 a minute, youve got pain all over your body, but you still have to keep going, thats hard, its very hard, and you get a lot more satisfaction from it than being able to concentrate for 10 minutes, _imo_
i thought the discussion was about esports on olympic games, not how sprinting compares to playing games
discussions can develop :)
isnt it frustrating to discuss something with someone and he keeps referring to the same point all over again?
you shouldn't waste your time with such a personn, he's angry to see that his dreams would come true to someone else eventho he tried both sides (reallife sports and gaming) nor he has the knowledge to arg about something that big happening to the eSport.
1. gamers will never go to the olympics so i cant be jealous about that
2. at least i tried, what we can't say of you
gamers are good for olympics, but this olympics with "para" prefix
Are you a person 'with "para" prefix'? Sad...
there will be a day when a brave man is running all over from radar to oasis to fueldump to goldrush not carrying a gun or a knife, but an olympic torch.
ET will nevah be an olympic game!
:D That should be done in a movie to promote it or something! :D
Instead it should be different event like e-olympics or something.
Gaming deserves attention in the wide world, but I don't consider it sport in a traditional way..
100% agree

and it should have like most of the games.
agreeeeeed, it's not a sport, but an eSport. People shouldn't be mixing it up with regular sport
You are right, but any way to show e-gaming worldwide is good at the moment. It's not like e-gaming will be one of the olympic sports.
So now we get our own Special Olympics, and fat nerds can become olympic champions too!
thats the problem, every olympics champion will tell you he got through a lot of pain and suffering to get there, gamers dont suffer or have pain so they dont deserve to get there because they have no respect in the way sporters have
z0mg...noliving at it's best
You only need to pay a bit to be "the best at ET" :P
why don't u take your chances and proove it :) ?
yes i say being the best in any esport is easy, compared to what runners or swimmers for example go through, and with that shooting thingie, it IS physical, its just like you would say horseracing isnt a physical sport because its the horse that runs....
how come half of the shooters are overweight?:D
if you release your mouse, your xhair stands still, if you release your muscles your gun falls

therefore aiming irl is harder than aiming nirl (:D)
lightgun shooter?
If it's easy... why aren't you the best?
i said its easy compared to being the best in sports, i didnt say it was easy
Quoteand with that shooting thingie, it IS physical

so is gaming, you have to move mouse... it sounds stupid, but it makes as mutch sense

QuoteYou only need to pay a bit to be "the best at ET" :P

So in shit loads of "sports" which require thing called talent, which many don't have...of course you can practice a great amount of time and be good in something, but that won't make you best if you don't have talent.

Quotez0mg...noliving at it's best

yes, let's take a swimmer who swims 5h/day (random number), or "nerd gamer" who plays the same amount of time, difference? stereotypes at it's best, just putting everyone in same imaginable box

QuoteSo now we get our own Special Olympics, and fat nerds can become olympic champions too!

Just check last years Quake3/4 top players....fat nerds...again fucking stereotypes

15 years ago we didn't even have computers as we have today

so let's ban woman from olympic events and make all man participating naked as it was intended at the beginning

things are changing constantly, it's not like gaming will replace other sports if it gets in (as official cathegory, not just FUN event as it's now), and to see it as it's at the moment at Korea would be super awesome

tho a lot of things depend on games, i would say that SC is on of few of "skilled" games left around, Quake3(4..) is kinda dying, but maybe ESWC can resurrect it, and counter strike 1.6 is doing ok atm

tho if we see wow or guitar hero stuff there, and stars like Shoop Dogg playing it, fuck that, it doesn't deserve to live
Quoteso is gaming, you have to move mouse... it sounds stupid, but it makes as mutch sense

no it doesnt make mutch sense because in shooting you have to have your muscles work constantly, while in gaming you can release your mouse and nothing tragic will happen
if you shoot you use your corset muscles, your legs, your arms, your neck... gaming => lower arm muscles
You reply to smokey while half of the quotes aren't his... GG
playing games needs difficult skills than being good at "normal" sports, but neither is easy
i would like you to motivate that statement, as i can just say thats not true, but i would like you to say why you think thats true
Well, for example, u have to practise both a lot to get good. Also u need talent to be the best. Actually it's the same in all kinds of hobbies.

There's no "getting pro overnight" without cheating in any competitive sports. Same applies for gaming..

Atm, gaming isn't so professional, that u can get pro in a few years, although sports like running u have to practise all your life to get good at. Still, there are games also in olympics where u can get good at relatively fast.
depends on the sport, in cycling you have to be +30 to be really good, in gymnastics youre old at 18

still, many toptrainers say its not hard to get to the top, its hard to say there :)
which doesnt apply to gaming i think because after a year inactivity you can get good again in a few weeks, if you quit sports for one year it takes a lot more time
It would be tragic if you brain stopped to work after 1 year.
i'm not saying your brain would stop working.
In sports the top is just so narrow compared to gaming. There aren't so many ppl playing ET world wide, but for example everyone tries running 100m. For sure an old champion of 100m runs still faster than some average guy.
yup, but thats because you dont lose your sprint capability that fast, 400m champions for example would be able to do that

all this has to do with physics etc but it would bring us too far :)
There are sports where it is seen if u don't train, but also sports where deteriorating doesn't happen that fast. Ppl already talked about shooting. U don't need that much physical condition for that, so the skill shouldn't disappear if u have breaks. So that's close to gaming then?
it is, these are mostly sports you can do if you get old, like spear throwing (dno the exact word), you need a lot of power for that, and that doesnt dissapear that fast as endurance
One of my friends is the fastest 100m and 60m sprinter in the UK for Under 20s...last weekend he came 8th at the UK 60m trials (the event Dwain Chambers won). If he keeps progressing as he should, he'll be at the 2012 Olympics running 100m for Great Britain.

He trains 5 days a week for a few hours, which is nowhere near as much as current "progamers" (the ones getting paid a salary, and IMO would be most likely to compete at the Olympics) or even people like those on crossfire and playing for a clan.

However I did think that the Olympics was meant to be an amateur event, and so true "pro gamers" shouldn't be allowed to enter, right?

The difference is that with gaming, you don't need a "natural talent" to be the best, you can train and become the best, over time, but in other sports it's very much natural talent to get to the top, but to be the very best you have to train ridiculously hard.
Olympics being amateur games don't apply very well anymore. Boxing is the only sports that comes in my mind that doesn't allow the pro ppl to join.
When it comes to gaming, eg. in ET kinda many ppl are called highskillers. Still, there are those that are clearly better than ordinary highskillers (mAus, butchji etc.). I'd say these guys have some natural talents for this kind of "sports". Maybe their reaction times are faster, or their hand movement can be more accurate or controlled than ordinary ppl have. Or maybe they are just more intellect and can predict and read situations better. In gaming there are many aspects where u can have some genetic advance, which is usually regarded as "talent".
In team based games, it's not so clear who is the best, because ppl have different roles in the teams. But in 1on1 games it is usually clear who is the best.
amazing news!
its a shame if games will be on the Olympics
ROFLMAO wtf!!!
that'S a fucking joke, kill that idiot imo
Like some others already said, eSports should never be considered as sport.

There should be separated events for both. Like e-olympics (yes, this was also a lend quote)
its no the olympics, read the post properly
he has no clue mate, ignore him
There is no spoon.
playing video games isnt real

Good News for eSports

I wonder what percentage (%) of the community would fail teh drugs test? ^_^
Don't know why they want it at Olympics. eSports is compareable to chess which is accepted as a sport but still isn't at the Olympics which is a good thing.
the olympics are supposed to involve sports that do not involve machines (cars, bikes etc.) so pc games don't really make any sense.
We don't need the eSports @ Olympia....I don't know what would be better if the eSports are at the Olympic Games?I think nothing.
:-O nice...
joke of the year :D
nolifers wearing the olympic fire (ex: urtier) :d
China cant afford to buy so many pizzas as nolifers want...
Huh? If I turn on the olympics I want to watch some fucking sports not a computer game I'm not even playing.
Ha! What a fucking joke!
lol what a bullshit
Couldn’t have put it better myself...
This should be awesome news for the entire gaming community =D
oki this is ridicilious :D:D:D
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