Kojak is here!

image: kojak_story3
This evening one of the greatest crime fighting televsion heros has been given a rebirth. No not on the BBC, but in ET!
In a week that has seen more clans being formed than any other here on xfire, and xfire DNS servers crash under the sheer volume of shock and awe at the volume of new teams, it is now time to welcome another!


Netherlands sacc (ex rewind)
Sweden Rat (ex o8)
Spain Winghaven (ex iLoGik)
Finland kimble (ex Negative Image)
Finland lettu (ex Negative Image)
Portugal sexyhot (uQ)
Switzerland kMt (ex playboys)
Israel Lion (ex pstarZ)
Sweden tba (someone that hasnt told their clanleader)

Server negotiations may prove to be this clans biggest problem, with players from opposite sides of the continent, servers in eastern Russia are expected to receive a boost from this decision.

Sweden Rat stated; With the claim that ET is soon dead you haveto make the best of the little time you have left, and thats exactly what we have done, with this lineup we hope to compete at the highest level.... but most important to have some great fun

One looks forward to seeing this teams progression!
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