TLR presents ET:Masters Cup

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Yours truely nVc, and everyone else at The Last Resort - are proud to announce on, in association with theSGL: The ET:Masters Cup brought to you by TLR, Spire Coolers and NOVAgaming.

This event will see sixteen top teams battle it out to be crowned the ET:Masters. The format will be double elimination and will be played over the coming weeks. Even though this is only a 16 team event preliminary qualifiers will be undertaken if we receive a large number of sign ups. As with all cups over at theSGL SGLac client will be used throughout the tournament as a cheat free environment is paramount.

Applications are open however full details of the schedule, rules and prizes will be announced in the next couple of days. I hope this is of great interest to all Enemy Territory fans out there, make sure you sign your team up and take advantage of this fantastic cup.

How to sign up::
To register to the event you must have your team signed up. Register for an account at and you can make a team. Making a team is very easy by using the management section in your control panel. Members can be added to the roster easily too once they have signed up to the site, a simple input of your teams password will enable them to join your clan. Remember if you have any problems or questions then contact an op on #theSGL.

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tlr site finally fixed (but i think its totally changed or not?), anyway nice job, good luck! hope we will see a decent tournament!

hope all teams can manage thesgl toolthing!
thesgl goes ET, nice move, nice cup!
need team for this.
I can paly if u make a finnish team for this
I can paly if u make a finnish team for this !!

EDiT: Jtn spirea tee :D
I can paly if u make a european team for this
i could play if i was good at ET
you are good in ET, you just dont know it yet...
i can play if u make a turkish team for this
I can paly if u make a european team for this
nice! :)
hm., mkay
nice ET > all
5o5 > 6o6
you are one year too old :d
lets hope its gonna work
i hope -CHEAT- and shit like that will be "detected" too :(

Reason for application
Minimum of 50 chars.

wtf :S
Mastercups are bad mkay

You can do mastercups mkay
masterscup... last i checked i have only run one and it was good.. i think
Do the sponsors put up a prize? If not what are they sponsoring?
i am just a messenger, but yeh in next few days ill update the post or write a new one with updates

for now nVc guesses a mousepad from nova and some cooling from spire to state the almost obvious... and a kiss from nVc himself
who're you again sorry?
i'm your one and only babe
yes m8, they do i will have updates soon
awesome cup!
gl, ooOOooooOOOO
how can other people sign up to a team i created?
if i understand this post correctly - teammembers should enter your clanpw to join - maybe you have to invite the members first + they have to enter the pw
Ye but they can't click the EDiT team , only TLR teams to join.
And afaik i can't send ivnites
Whhii! 1 top team less! better chances 4 me!
nice gl all
Can any nooby team signup?
Cant read,no time/
err, why its 5on5 formate? ;o
awesome, 5v5 sux
5ON5 :D ??
Marimekko ownaa Q toi o viisVviis
u will lose ur place in the tlr lineup :D
fight fight fight
how about changing it to a 6v6 tournament?!?!
i need a team to paly \o> /qryme
snoop toxic fobje kris and me will do this np
kris is niet op wow ?
you would suck. I would prefer monkey, auto, lentokone, helikopteri, peevee
I would prefer ghosts!
kris back in et ? :o
Need team :)

im rifle qry me =)
i dont see 5on5 anywere:<
It isnt 5on5 cup, shh!
want play
ezi win for me and chizz6l
6o2 nP but no ettv='(
that sgl program is bolloux, banned me over nothing
why 5on5 ?
Nice, 5on5 ftw
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