SK Gaming goes CoD4

Just moments ago SK Gaming have announced a move that was expected by many, they have picked up a Call Of Duty 4 team. The chosen ones are none other than the German number one team Germany The6Devils. As it was announced today, the team will be participating at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 in Enschede.

Team captain Andre "iFEARdilemma" Merzinsky had this to say:
QuoteIt's time to set up new goals, remember what we leave behind in the past and to keep on gaming with passion! As everyone we are only human beings with good and bad times but as long as our team doesn't lose its spirit we will go on rising.

We are totally overwhelmed with emotion by making a big mark on the early Call of Duty 4 history with this step and we know about the responsibility we take on our shoulders as we want to become a symbol for competitive gaming in CoD4 on a high nouveau with a team that is made of friendship and a lot of soul spirit.

For now we have to train hard and to handle the pressure which all the expectations this step brings with will focus on us. Our team made one step ahead another since it was founded, some of them were smaller and some were bigger. But even if this is our biggest step so far, we wont stop walking forward...
impressive, gl guys
jep, gl to them :) and cya at cdc
Very impressive and very important for CoD4 - I hope you do the name proud
hope they will place outside top 12 on lan for lulz
nice - gl!
unexpected, gl.
Really nice guys, they deserve it.
although i hate to say it, now this team has an organisation, like all the other cod4 teams, it wont last 3 weeks :) but ofcourse im just talking shit

gl guys :D
impressive, though not so unexpected.
Feel as if a weight has been lifted somewhat, but I doubt anyone's opinion has changed.
good for SK...awesome for cod4!
now SK.etqw plz !!!1111 :D

etqw is dead comments under this line plz:

that baby never grew up ;P
iz so dead n u know itz
Hope they won't be just as disappointing as 4K.CoD4 :P
idd nothing but fake contracts & fake sponsors
Good choice at the moment hope at thundr can team carry at lan too :-)
Will have a look at it at CDC4. Maybe, with all those changes, it finally became less of an lotto-spray-and-pray game.
It's hard to pick a headshot than CoD 1 and 2, although it's not all spray, but it's different. I wouldn't call it an aim game though
it still involve high reflex, gamesens, concentration and much brain
cod4 is all positioning and teamplay, their is more aim involved in msn minesweeper.. those facts that you pasted are relevent to all games, not just cod4.
Atleast someone that thinks the same about that game ;-)
as long as VAE still beats them i dont fucking caaare :D
They wont :)
they already did!
vae inet heroes? ;D
we will see
they did bootcamp last weekend :D
the last swedish cod team bootcamping before a cdc lost in group stage ;D
screen or didnt happen!
No pictures available

- didnt happen :D
if u win cdc ill suck your balls. btw im going to cod4 lan too after cdc4 :p
CE: Invalid response.

nice try though
Good for CoD4 scene, I just wish it had some of the accuracy CoD 1 had as far as picking headshot with one round goes.

Also, does anybody know what these guys played before CoD 4?
They played CoD2 in komacrew
true, realized that on my break 20 minutes ago
Congratulations & Good Luck gents.
gratz @ creepy
nice, good luck!
didnt know they had 3 turks playing.. gl @ cdc SK.cod4!
Actually they're german.
Well they live in Germany, guess they are born there as well.
well yes, the same for me..I'm also born here :>
nice, but CoD4 situation in NC is still crucial :P And CoD4 TV dream like RTCW2 for us ;)
Yeah, I am still waiting anxciously for someone, doesn't have to be Infinity Ward, to come forward with the announcement of CoDTV.

Perhaps it is not as imparritive to get a TV-system for multiplayer games as it was in 2002, if you think of the increase in bandwidth, and the fact that there are more "stations" broadcasting matches. However, when a game gets a TV-system it just gives the community such a huge boost; if this would happen to CoD4 I really do believe that it could overtake CS:S and maybe even CS, in terms of being worthy for huge competitions.

I personally would so much love to get a TV-system for CoD4, since I have a upload/download limit on my internet; which in turn makes me unable to watch that many matches on the "stations".
if you think it will take over css then you sir, are an idiot

cod5 soon
Why am I an idiot?

Locally in Denmark, I have seen several teams switching from CS:S to CoD4. The game just needs so backing of the huge organisations.

And sure, it's not like I have any experience within eSport...
i dont think you are an idiot, i was just putting that theory into context

css will be here for a long time and already has a name for itself, its the starcraft of FPS and where the most money can be made, cod4 will be here for 7 months till cod5

i may be wrong, you may be right, we all got our oppinions sorry if i offended u xD
css is the starcraft of fps gaming? wtf? are you dumb or do you just master the perfection of throwing severely flawed comparisons around?

If anything, "regular" cs would be the starcraft, or even quake I will agree on some level. But css? come one.
plz, i laugh at you all if you think cod4 will take over css, my point is that you make the most amount of money in cs and css these days and starcraft is where i beleive you can make the most amount of mone in that genre TODAY!! (not just css plz see out of my forum post... these people [maybe you] who think cod4 will be the best are including 1.6)
Where did I say that CoD4 would take over anything? I just laughed at your retarded comparison.

css is not, and will never be, the starcraft of fps gaming. Just the fact that you said that, nulls out anything else decent you might have to say.
it makes perfect sense in regards to money and reputation

doesnt matter how much bigger and more popular starcraft is, its not an fps game

cs is the biggest and most popular fps game and like starcraft has alot of history

you laugh at the scale of the context i put that comparison into, whereas when you look out of your little box you will see they are two different genres and in each genre they make the most amount of money for gamers

players playing cgs css can live off their earnings and more, as do starcraft players, the original post related to cod4 taking over css, which i have proven whether you choose to beleive it or not, cannot and wont happen. i am not in the slightist bit comparing popularity alone (if i was i would agree that css and starcraft are miles apart) which you have chosen to laugh at me about because you fail to have the ability to read.

enough said.
You're showing a complete lack of knowledge. CSS and CS is not the same. I could somewhat agree that CS is the starcraft of FPS, but not css.

In regards to the money, it isn't the money that makes the game. CS didn't start out as a game with lots of cash prizes, neither did Starcraft. They both evolved into that when people wanted to see CS and SC/SC:BW matches because they both were superior games of their genre.

By your terms, even CoD4 can be the Starcraft of FPS if somebody puts the money in it.

In regards to the most popular games, css has more players than cod4 according to gamespy, but less played hours than cod4, according to xfire. So that I won't deny. There is perhaps another site giving more indepth statistics though, not sure.
what exactly are you trying to argue with me? that cod4 will be the best because someone says so? no because itll be where the most money can be made as to whether it takes over cs or css

why do u think starcraft is so popular EVERYWHERE.. because its a good game?! street fighter 2 is a good game yet where are the lans for that? doa4 instead? rofl!

its because theres money in it now that its still around, why isnt cod1 used anymore yet its seen by almost all cod players as the best one? because there is no money in it.. plz think about what you write before you make yourself look silly

get a brain
haha, you're making one insane comparison after another. Just stop it, or make a decent comparison. You obviously have no clue why starcraft is so popular, it's not because of the money, it's because of the game itself. The money is a result of a good game.
While street fighter is a decent game, it has nowhere near the complexity and the ability to choose amongst a wide variety of tactics, and is relatively boring to watch for spectators.
The whole gaming world agrees that Starcraft is perhaps the best RTS game of all time so far, while there is a very very small minority that thinks CoD1 is it, so mentioning this as an example is bullocks.

CoD4 will not take the place of CS, but it MIGHT take the place of CS:S. Internet, and online gaming, has proven multiple times that games that are good, will be picked up and given the support which it needs, in form of money and commercial.

Once again, I remind you that CS didn't have large cash prizes in the beginning, but as a result of being a good game, the developers of the CS mod got the support they needed, both in the technical form, but also the financial form.

The reason why games like CS and Starcraft is still around is the gameplay, the possibility for many tactics and constant game evolvement(not so much patches, but in the form that if you're #1, then you can alway lose to #2 because #2 is bringing their game to another level).

Get a brain is hardly wise to say for a guy who thinks that CS:S is the starcraft of fps gaming. I suggest you read a little up on the history of online gaming and do a reality check as to why CS and Starcraft are the two biggest online games.
ur just proving the point i am argueing, its entertaining
No, you were saying that CoD4 won't take CSS place because of the money in CSS, not because CSS is a superior game.
same difference
I can see why you say that, but no, it's not the same difference.
the post i replied too was was referring to cod becoming the mainstream game

Quote"CoD4 will not take the place of CS, but it MIGHT take the place of CS:S"

which quite clearly, is not possible when the money does not meet that of css especially, whether u think cgs is good or not is opinion as is your cod4 or whatever exactly you are trying to argue with oppinion, and quite clearly £30000 a year salary or whatever it is before winnings, is more than even the whole cod community can probably make from competitions and so yours, mine and anyone elses oppinion really does not matter because the simple fact is, cod4 is going nowhere in comparison to that of the cs series... despite the game, in whoevers eyes, being superior.

do you see it becoming the new mainstream game?! lol. money talks mate, being a good game just doesnt cut it anymore on todays pc platform when it comes to competitive gaming

i ask you this

why have alot of players gone to play UT3 over Q3?! even though Quake Live is here soon which is certain to bring lots of money, because Q3 has eswc and the prizemoney does not compare so they can afford to wait for quake live.

the point im trying to make is sometimes history has its benefits with certainty, stability and popularity, however sometimes history has its disadvantages such as shit prize money, and its the shit prizemoney that determines a games success to anyone that cares more than the below average player.

sure, make your own CGS for cod4 and give players +£2000 more than css a year, then make your own CPL (yes its shit im just proving a point) and add cod4 to that too, then i might agree with you that cod4 could maybe take over cs

whether u class cs and css as 2 different games entirely is your oppinion, but when it comes down to competitive gaming, they are made by the same company and im sorry, but id rather put my faith in a game like cs and css that has great history, present and future than cod 2 and 4 whcih has a few clan hosted lans in addition to every other reason i have mentioned in this post

wake up and see out of your cod4 fanboi box and remember, i prefer cod as a game too.
I never said I believe that CoD4 becoming "THE" mainstream game. But on a certain level, I can see it competing with CS:S which isn't "THE" mainstream game either. I also really doubt CoD4 will ever be THE game, but it has potential.

In terms of money, cs:s has had 3 whole years more than CoD4 to build it's fundament on. So it is in some way unfair to compare the prizepurses yet. We will see in 6-12 months how successfull CoD4 really is compared to CS:S.

In the UT3 vs Q3, it's a matter of money for survivability and keeping dead games up. There's not "a lot of players" that have gone to UT3. There might be a lot of q3 players going to UT3, but certainly not many else.

Players(people) are not where the money are necessarily, but the money is always where the people are. An example of this is WoW, though not a FPS game, it is still the example that it isn't only prizemoney that attracts players to a game.

Heavy cash support in form of prizes does not ensure a game in the competitve scene. It certainly helps, that I won't deny. I don't believe it's the make or break for a game in the competition aspect(it's a make or break for unsupported games like ET, but well supported games like CoD4, CS:S, WoW etc. it doesn't matter that much).
yeh you are correct in almost everything you say, except that cod4 and css are fighting against eachother... different companies, different games yet same gametype played with a bomb... and so in this case, sadly prizemoney will determine the winner at the end.

im not saying cod4 prizemoney wont increase, nor will cod4 hold its own well, but, css already has it.
Counter Strike Source is a piece of shit in all fairness. Starcraft it's not, you couldn't have made a worse comparison if you tried.
my point is that:
i laugh at you all if you think cod4 will take over css, i was simply taking the fps game where you win win the most amount of money 1.6/css and comparing it to that of the rts or whatever starcraft is

you'll get some lans, but i cant ever see cod players making more $$$ than cs and css players, and that is what defines a game taking over another game correct in this context correct?
omg you are stupid

ppl outside the cod community never understands

the competitive scene only plays the games that Infinity Ward develops (cod1, cod2, cod4)

Infinity Ward wont develop cod5 and it will be wwII again.
and you are a cod fanboy, i also prefer cod over css, but do i think itll take over a cs game? no

my cod5 explanation was probably retarded i know, but its that exact point which gives the game no future as there are always new ones
As far as I know CTF was so popular in CoD2 it got its own NationsCup and EuroCup, and CTF was introduced by Treyarch(/Gray Matter) in CoD:UO.

If CoD5 wil be released on PC, has a multiplayer similar to CoD2, it will be the beginning of the end for competitive CoD4 because;
1. People will be less interested in buying CoD4 because CoD5 is newer and will get more promotion.
2. Activision will not sponsor any CoD4 events anymore.
3. A lot of non competitive CoD4 players will switch to the new game, meaning the scene will shrink.
4. Tournament organizers will have to choose between hosting the old CoD4 or the new CoD5.
5. Activision will most likely sponsor some CoD5 events, leading to CoD4 teams focusing themselves on both games, or even switching to the latest game.
I'm sure there are more.

For your sake I hope CoD5 wont have a PC version or a multiplayer mode.
CTF had like maximum 100 teams on the cb ladder
SD had 2600+

and you are wrong lol......

but nvm, cant argue with ppl who have no idea about cod
And I cant argue with people who dont have a clue.
we dont need to have an idea about cod to know it will never get anywhere in comparison to cs
Yes but CoD5 is being made by the people that failed at Big Red One, CoD3, and UO.

"bdy on 21/02/08, 17:15:47 Del | Edit | Reply

Goodluck with SK t6d"
omg time traveller!
Ownage team!! the cod4 seen rocks atm
great move for SK, great more the6devils, and most importantly, nice statement!
I got it 50% right, people from Veenendaal would only manage 25%!
cu@cdc4 for the nerdfight!
played that HFD team alot before, dunno how the games went tho :O
fucking gay ass quote
they should have waited till after cdc, now youll see rubberduckiez dominate and sk endind 6-12th and sk being ;(
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