CDC4 ETQW ruleset and mappool

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Crossfire is happy to present the ET:QW ruleset and mappool for the upcoming Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4.

Quote by RulesETQWPro must be used in all matches and all features that are included in ETQWPro are allowed or specified through cvars.

You need to wait for your latest heavy vehicle to respawn before you're allowed to take a new one.

Please make sure that the ETQWpro auto record is running. Demos are required from all matches.

Heavy vehicles are not allowed during the last objective, even if you were using the vehicle during the objective was enabled. You have to leave the vehicle.

Use of 3rd Eye Camera is not allowed.

Maximum 1 Heavy Vehicle per team.
Maximum 1 Medium Vehicle per team.
Heavy Vehicles include: Cyclops, Desecrator and Titan.
Medium Vehicles include: Hog and Trojan APC.

NOTE: No external crosshair is allowed to help firing in 3rd person mode. (Tape, dot on monitor or similar) This is looked upon as cheating.

ETQWPro version: 0.04

si_allowAttackLean 0
si_allowLean 1
si_maxAPTs 1
si_maxAVTs 1
si_maxAITs 1
si_maxHeavyWeapons 1
si_maxSnipers 1
si_maxRocketLaunchers 2
si_allowProne 1
si_allowRadar 0
si_allowVehicles 1
si_allowVehicleAnansi 0
si_allowVehicleBadger 1
si_allowVehicleBumblebee 0
si_allowVehicleDesecrator 1
si_allowVehicleGoliath 1
si_allowVehicleHog 1
si_allowVehicleHornet 0
si_allowVehicleHusky 1
si_allowVehicleIcarus 1
si_allowVehiclePlatypus 1
si_allowVehicleTitan 1
si_allowVehicleTrojan 1

Area 22

#crossfire for any further related questions!

EDIT: Badbeans, should use 0.04 when it done.
ETQWPro version: 0.03 - open to change should 0.04 be released today!"
OK nice, I swear it wasn't there when I posted though :)
ye, i needed to add the edit, my apologies
sry but this is fail. promod 0.04 should be played instead, taken already got the 004 version

and for god knows why, stop posting wrong configs!!!
a mod that hasnt been publically released 4 days before the event? And taken has gone afk so we had to decide without him
he has the mod tosspot. the mod is avi to cdc teams tosspot

EDIT: then maybe ask the devs when hes not there, but dont make qw players flame me that 003 is played instead of 004
"You need to wait for your latest heavy vehicle to respawn before you're allowed to take a new one. "

its gonna be fun to control that w/o 0.04
agree and i love te gib in 0.04!:)
0.04 please if its there, I actually started enjoying etqw again with 0.03 :x

NOTE: No external crosshair is allowed to help firing in 3rd person mode. (Tape, dot on monitor or similar) This is looked upon as cheating.

LAL :<
thats good :D
0.04 is much better + stable
it will be used if it works as it should.
lots of votes against volcano and ark and none against refinery in the community vote.. but refinery gets removed - thats unexpected
and this vehicle rule is "awesome" aswell..
Indeed, sad to see refinery removed and unpopular maps in. Crossfire must have a good reason to do so tho.
volcano and refinery are so much better than ark imo :(
woooooooo flyer drones on lan finals, cya there
wheres the problem with ark?
hmm the last time I played ark in competition (which is already months ago because I personally hate it) a fast first rush could mean early victory for the attacking team. I like the last stages though (the indoor ones)
ark is fine ;D
well its your fault if the opponent succeeds with a fast first rush, isnt it?
refinery and ark are so much better than volcano imo :(
Wouldn´t mind playing the new pro ±)
cu there care what we play vanilla is good aswell
In sewer :
I take desce from the first spawn and go hang around, emp gets builded up and my desce gets busted up. I lose my desce spawn and since it aint spawning anymore, im not allowed to take new heavy vechile at all? ;)
I think you are allowed to take a new heavy if you can't determine anymore when the first one was going to spawn.
cant that be used as an excuse all of the time?
Well, this part of the rule should be only apply when an objective is done and therefore you can't even use the earlier tank anymore.

I might be totally wrong!
waiting for 0.04
I played it already, wating to play it in compition mode = betteR?
I didnt play the game since beta but I loled hard at: "NOTE: No external crosshair is allowed to help firing in 3rd person mode. (Tape, dot on monitor or similar) This is looked upon as cheating." I dont know if ppl do that at home and if it helps, but why is it a cheat at lan and okay at home caus u cant detect it ^^ if u would say it isnt allowed cause it ruins the monitor I would understand it but hat way it is weird imo^^
Huggo,PliXs,Soltis and Quark all did it :D
it helps, because you havent got a crosshair in 3rd person mode. as you already said: you cant control it at home, but thats no reason to allow it on lan
I get your point kinda but it's still strange imo :P, maybe they should put a 3rd person xhair so it would be fair at home and at lan
for me as a tanker its like playing two deferent games, with or without tape.. totally deferent when it comes to aim and movement
IMO just add a 3rd person crosshair by default in next promod version, so that every1 would have the same conditions )
lol everyone can use tape at home if theyre tard enough to do so. No need to make 3rd person shooting almost mandatory by placing the crosshair..
yea, some people can use wallhacks at home as well so lets add them to the next pro-mod
but if you see it in a realistic light, u might be able to detect hax but it's impossible to detect a piece of tape xD. (Boah that sounds rly stupid I should go grab some sleep)
I agree. With the last thing you said. Go get some sleep =)
does etwpro have a command to disallow shooting in vehicles in third person view? Would solve this issue.
it has, but since its lan + no tape, its allowed
I heard Volcano was considered.

i lol'd
Updated to fit schedule and map settings added!
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