CDC Improvements

Looking back on CDC3 and the feedback we got from where to improve our content offering I'm glad to say that courtesy of a concerted effort from the whole team we're able to offer a far better online experience for those on the site!

:: Courtesy of RTCW legend beav's hard work we've now got a lovely integrated cup system thats in its final stages of implementation. You can see a preview at - This is not only nice and easy to navigate but also helps us with our archiving of the event, something we've not done well in the past.
:: Missing from CDC3 but a huge success at CPC2 the gallery system is back and user contributable! Belgian Wizzard Rfki has been hard at work getting this operational and anyone who is coming to the event and wants somewhere to store their photos will have a place!
:: German master chosen has greated a great new auto updating Flash box that will replace the advertisement on the front page with the latest results!
:: Haggis munching magician Pedro has been firing on all cylinders with preperation for the event and still has one more article to come. Hopefully all the communities are now fired up for the event, and if you're not Pedro will be on location to put some fire in your bellies!
:: Ravenwood will be running a server side stat application so you can keep up to date with your favourite shooters to see our their performing on LAN!
:: Community Site Challenge TV have offered to host all of our demos from the tournament and so we'll be requesting all players upload all demos of their matches to Challenge TV so you can relive the tournament again and again!

As ever your feedback is encouraged and welcomed, we hope that CDC4 is the best yet as we get the final building blocks in place. Lastly a huge thank you to all of the people involved in helping us improve the site and the LAN!
Thought you would make me come to see it all live... And now staying here at home seems to be exciting as well. What can the guys at stage expect? Cinema again?
a dedicated bar for spectating the matches on bigscreens and then hopefully the cinema finals.
And now u have everything, when i was there, nothing!
If you really want to watch the matches it's better to watch them at home. If you want to feel the atmosphere when a team wins, have shitloads of fun and see toss in real life you should come.
Well if you want to watch one team, the LAN is the best place, since you can spectate everyone at the same time, plus you can hear comms :)
You must admit it's a bit chaotic though, with everyone walking around. At least on friday & saturday it's really busy and it's hard to concentrate on one match. You see bits and pieces. At least that's how I feel!
If you are a player yourself, yes, but if you are there as a spectator... then no :)
Well ye on cpc1 I did see some matches =]
cpc1 you were busy with someone else
i want more informations :)
Good work. Some props are well deserved to you stuart and everyone else involved
see you there mr. tosspot! :-)
awesome idea with the demos
keep the good work!
"German master chosen".. XD MEGALOL ^^
someone ban plz! ;>
Im going to start saving my money and holiday for enxt next lan
don't forget the nifty update log, like last time.

when you say demos and challenge tv, you do mean shaky, "sensitivity 10" POVs from the shoutcasters, yes? :s
hopefully I'll be able to make a decent CF gallery :o)
beav made and the site so i'm glad he's been able to contribute to crossfire as he really does know what he's doing!
when will cdc4 take place, next weekend?
Very nice, best news from CDC4 so far from an observers perspective.
this weekend!
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