Yet another cup

image: smallbanner

4th Cup sign-ups start today and the cup kicks off on 19th March at 14.15 cet. Only 16 Slots available!

Let's see what happened in the past cup:

image: smallcup United Kingdom ultimate Quest
image: smallcup_silver Finland insta-Gods
image: smallcup_bronze Poland inf0

As some of you know United Kingdom ultimate Quest former Belgium mycruz won the 3rd Fast-Gaming-Cup and tonight the get-cup. You can see a little report of their way to success at the journal of Netherlands Ati_: (url)

The silver medal went this time to Finland insta-Gods who finally reached the finals after two cups. In the semi-final they played against the polish team Poland inf0 who replaced their compatriots Poland Warriors of Wolfenstein in the same level of skill.

Mappool of this cup:
- braundorf_b4
- supplydepot2
- adlernest_b7c
- sw_goldrush_te

Due to the growing popularity of adlernest we took it in our mappool which also got most votes at sign-ups.

12th - 18th March

19th March

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Antarctica wintermute
Match Admins:
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Netherlands Arphetic
- Israel beN
- Israel CaspoN

Thanks to all admins and United Kingdom andyF1 who was generous enough to broadcast all cup matches and also provided his matchserver for us.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site:
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