First-Person Tactical' Mod Released

A rather revolutionary modification named 'ET: Tactics' has seen first light, a mod which transforms the first-person shooter game "Enemy Territory" into a so-called First-Person Tactical Game.

image: JoshuaZaedynMenke
Joshua 'Zaedyn' Menke
The creator of the mod, Joshua "Zaedyn" Menke, wants to achieve a game where only teamwork and tactics focusing on the objectives will determine the outcome of the game. With this in mind, Zaedyn has removed the "aiming" factor completely from the game.

"Like RPGs, RTT and even Real-Time Strategy games, the computer will do the aiming. You just look in the general direction of the target and fire. This will make aiming easier for some and harder for others. But the same all around," the computer science graduate student said.

An integrated server-side aimbot will use in-game aspects such as distance to target, weapon, experience points and battle-sense to determine the likelihood of actually hitting your opponent. This will diminish the effects of any strafing, dodging and manual aiming when calculating headshots.

image: EnemyTerritory
Enemy Territory
Additionally, each team will have one commander assigned, who will be able to look around on the maps just like regular spectators. However, his "all-seeing" ability, to see the enemy positions is restricted to the field of sights of its players in combat.

It will be interesting to see whether this revolutionary mix between RPG and FPS will be accepted by the Enemy Territory community.

A ET:Tactics test server is setup at

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