CLUK19 on it's way !

Over the course of the coming weekend in the shadow of CDC4 will be the 19th central LAN UK (cluk19). Despite the goings on of CDC4, CLUK19 will be held at Uttoxeter Racecourse, Staffordshire. The event takes place from 29th Feb - 2nd March starting at 4pm on Friday running through until 6pm Sunday and costs just £45. It will be hosting the following tournaments

Counter-Srike: Source 5v5 with a max limit of 8 teams and a £500 prize fund.
Call of Duty4 5v5 SnD with a max limit of 8 teams and a £500 prize fund
World In Conflict 4v4 with a max limit of 5 teams and a £500 prize fund
An Expert and Medium Guitar Hero 3 fun tournament, a newly announced Audio Surf fun tournament and an eagerly anticipated Boat Race.

This LAN is certainly small but in the past 6 years it has gone from strength to strength. I realise it is no I-series or CDC4 but this LAN will be a good pre-training camp for team United Kingdom E-buyer who are signed up for the CSS tournament and the recently announced United Kingdom Team Packard Bell Cod4 team who are signed up for the Cod4 tournament.

With the wake of CDC4 I don’t expect much attention to the LAN however it is meant to be a social LAN with a competitive edge to it, and I feel it has and will achieve what it has set out to do.

Good luck to the event organiser and all teams and participants in CLUK19, and good luck to all attending CDC4.

With 114 paid participants and 8 spectators, CLUK19 will be a nice weekend LAN and good practice for upcoming LAN's such as I33 which teams participating in the tournaments will be aiming for.

For any more information please visit
fuck up a layout will you
omg fucking logo, pissed the window :x
it's resized in my window sorry.
mine to, nvm him just resize it so it doesnt look fucked
the ability of resizing is the difference between the high and low iq guys...
"a newly announced Audio Surf fun tournament"

I should go.
Yea, pro'd. :D
great stuff don't get me wrong, but a bit bemusing with the WiC still!?
i mean, i can think of maybe 1 or 2 uk teams? i mean i guess there's a fair few more around, but surely there are a fair few others games that should come ahead of it- depending on if you either want to support that community OR get as much publicity as possible by picking a 'bigger' game.
del this post plz noob banner!
pls delete the pic
sorry guys, in my web browser it resized to fit

If ida known it was only me that saw it that way i would have deleted it earlier.
ahh ure the guy whos gnna beat up duke? :DD
I shall be at this event in the CoD4 tourney, bring it!

ps. If you lose to a quadv caster I shall laugh heartily :)
I gots ma ticket
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