CDC4: Here come the playoffs! (Day Two)

image: header_lan
3:24 The last match for day two is coming up in a moment with Vicious and Evil facing Random in the very last ET match this night. VAE went well in the tournament and just lost against TLR in Upper Bracket before. It's the deciding match for both about keeping in or getting on it's way right now, so don't miss this late and deciding main event.

23:27 Because some people did not have been able to scoll down a few lines the Gallery and Streaming pages are actually on the front page.

22:45 ET has been going strong along side CoD4, with the big guns finally starting to show their true quality. Europe np breezed past Belgium 8 Bit-gaming and equally, Belgium EDiT made quick work of our multi-talented mix Europe Random. Both losing teams move down into the loser bracket, so it's not over yet! As we progress through the early hours of the morning, our last 8 games should be over, leaving some mouth watering prospects on our hands.

For all the CoD4 brackets and fixtures, please visit here and here.

For all the ET brackets, please visit here.

For all those ET: Quake Wars fans
ETQW was up and running since the start till now and probably was hard to find on other pages, so here you go for the IPs and the most recent mod version just created for the CDC:
ETQW Stream 1:
ETQW Stream 2:

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Make sure you check the scores section at the top of the main page along with this news post, as both will give you everything you need so that you won't miss a beat.

image: pb image: qpad image: raven image: wzzrd

Find all recent news from this CDC Newspost here:

A new day is coming soon
... and with it a few matches have just moved around in the schedule a bit, to make sure we dont have any further problems with the times.

Call of Duty 4
9.15 Czech Republic eSuba vs. Policy United Kingdom
9.15 Europe serious vs. intense Slovenia
9.45 Germany SK Gaming vs. rubber duckies Europe
9.45 France oXmoze vs. Mercury Denmark
10.15 Europe Dignitas vs. DMH Germany
10.15 United Kingdom Policy vs. Finland
10.15 Netherlands serious vs. LowLandLions Benelux
10.45 Netherlands H2K vs. KomaCrew Germany
10.45 Europe rubber duckies vs. wave Netherlands
10.45 Netherlands Bathingape vs. Temp Netherlands
11.15 United Kingdom Policy vs. infinity Norway
11.15 Benelux LowLandLions vs. intense Slovenia
11.15 Hungary drop2trash vs. Immortals Netherlands
14.00 Germany Speedlink vs. Bathingampe Netherlands
14.30 Germany Speedlink vs. Temp Netherlands

Enemy Territory
18.00 Europe The Last Resort vs. a.ToOn Germany
18.00 United Kingdom unKind vs. Random Europe

12.00 With the early morning matches just finished in time there have been a few unexpected results such as Europe new project loosing one map to Netherlands ephix and for CoD4 there was a surprise coming for the EuroCup XV second placed Netherlands serious gaming. They just lost the match on Crossfire in a very close match against Netherlands serious intention. Serious is now with two loss already and will need the help of Belgium LowLandLions to make it in the playoffs. A few teams already finished their groupstage and we will present the very first playoff participants soon. 3L are now facing intense and this match will decide on who is going through and who doesn't. Latvia Clown and Belgium dAv1d just met NetherlandsScotland Pedro for a short interview on their recent results. Check out our interview area for further details.

13:57 Call of Duty playoffs will start soon!Serious Gaming, FearFactory and Vicious and Evil did not make it into the playoffs so it's on teams like eSuba known for their great performances at former CDC events. fnatic and SK are the big nameswith H2K, Tek9, Epsilon and a few others aswell. While Speed-Link did not come back yet after one player got il,l they went back to Germany yesterday but will be back in just a few minutes, to finish the last group in the Call of Duty Brackets. They probably have to replace humm3l.

15:20 Germany SK gaming and Denmark Ravens are our first playoff map, playing on crossfire and vacant.

Our first map was an ultimate showcase of CoD magnificence. Ravens took an early storming lead and showed up SK taking an impressive 11-7 lead. Then SK turned up. Winning an insanely impressive 6 rounds in a row and winning the last round by a mere second, SK truly showed their quality and class, blowing the Ravens out of the water.

Ravens were reeling and moving onto vacant, they seemed totally out of sorts as SK ran rampant all over the Danes. Eventually SK moved onto a 13-9 win, with a small short lived comeback from the Ravens,

17:45 More CoD4 playoffs on the way now and we had some more great games. United Kingdom TLR conitued their impressive run of form, with a good solid performance. Winning Strike, after a nail biting 13-12 deciding map, TLR took the wind out of Finland logitech's sails and went on to dominate Crash and send home the finns with a 13-7 scoreline.

18:35 These awesome games just keep coming and Sweden fnatic really were pushed all the way by Slovenia Intense. Taking a map from these mighty Swedes is no mean feet and with a sudden death round deciding the map, Intense snatched a well deserved half time lead, beating them on Vacant. Fntatic pulled it together however, raging through Intense with a 13-8 win on Strike. So then came the decider. One would assume that Fnatic must be feeling the pressure now, as a mountain of fans descended around their computers. In the end, Fnatic were just too strong for Intense, taking home a 13-7 victory on Backlot. All credit to Intense, they made Fnatic work for it.

21:15 As soon as everyone in the admin room saw the draw for the United Kingdom Dignitas & Belgium Tek9 game, we were torn between two of the favourites for this LAN crown. As we've seen in the previous games, the first map decided this one. A closely fought affair which in the end, Tek9 won comfortably 13-9. Dignitas never really had a spark in their game play, so Tek9 secured the win on Vacant, strolling to a 13-8 victory.

Earlier we also witnissed Benelux dcc competing with Poland uF gaming. What a thriller, with dcc winning the first map Backlot without even breaking a sweat with a score line of 13-6, uF gaming knew they needed to step up their game massively and they did so in style. Bringing the next map District to 12-12, dcc started to panic. With some mature composure dcc calmed nerves and secured the win with a final score of 16-13. Yet another great game in our last 32 stage, not one has been a disappointment so far!

QuadV Schedule published
The QuadV schedule for the upcoming deciding matches just got done and there you go to find your favorite game right on QuadV:
13:45 Denmark Roskilde vs SK Gaming Germany
15:00 Finland Logitech vs. The Las Resort United Kingdom
16:30 United Kingdom Unkind vs. Random Europe
18:15 United Kingdom Dignitas vs. Tek-9 Europe

image: thumb_fnatic image: thumb_ufgaming image: thumb_gehswineqw
Visit the Crossfire gallery for the most recent pictures, the few one above might not be the most recent ones.
Good job chosen & gn8
2nd ;o
Nice work chosen, keep it up :>
I come with all the ideas and chosen steals them from me. D:

He wanted to do all the art work in MS paint, it was hard to stop him.
thats life =)
whats about warsow?
starting at 12
where can i find matches/ wswtv links? :O had a look at bracketpage and gtv, both empty! :(
not known yet
why is edit playing vs muse now ?
good job so far :) gl :)
Where is ETQWTV ?
Thanks for adding the qwpro download link. I was trying to connect to those qwtv servers before, but couldn't..
if u got 0.04 jus tsearch for 'Internet TV' servers then you 'l l see 1 or 2 cdc servers
CDC 1 ETQW TV server is no tworking.
which server running etqwpro 004 else ?
in the serverbrowser you have only etqwpro not distinguished between 3 and 4...
this was a CDC rls. 004 is not yet public
no video stream for dignitas vs tek9?
quadv down~?
god fucking damnit
fked up that I missed it, only cuz of me sleeping all day coz I was too fkin drunk and coz of my collapsed lung ;/

is there cdc too tomorrow?

and oh yeh, where can I find the adress, been looking for it for ages but can't find it ;/
wtf at collapsed lung :s
third time since my accident already :<
wtf how can your lung just collapse?
you live in a hospital or what?
well, my complete lung didn't collapse, I'll explain:

Back when my accident occured, I had a few broken ribs, they recovered, but one has grown towards my right lung. When I'm ill or whatever, and I don't eat enough, I get too skinny and my ribs touch my lungs. A few of the airsacks collapse then, and my body automatically shuts down that lung or at least a big part of it in order to be able to fully recover, plus to be sure that I don't get air into my blood (caisson desease or smth like that).
just remove/break/do something to that rib dude :o
prolly will, dno if that's possible. The best would be for me to wait a year or 3 or so, then I won't grow anymore, and then if I train and eat alot I get lots of muscles n stuff and the problem is also solved :)
nP vs edit well played on radar ;D looking forward to the decidermap!
CDC 1 ETQW TV isnt working!!!
Fix it plz...
Looks good with the gallery etc where it is now, better than before
et brackets dont shows cod4 or etqw here..dnno
check again, cdc4codplayoffs is linked to ET playoffs

<b>For all the ET brackets, please visit <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></b>
k, there are just too many links in, would be great to have users only looking on the links not working ;D
hihi i was right :D
CDC 1 ETQW TV is down again FFS..!!
We had to turn it off sorry, after it crashed the game servers on the lan in the middle of the upper bracket semi final. Will be online tomorrow again.
GL nP, lets hope wing will poen them all now :D

send me demos after the match, I'll be sleeping while you are playing xD
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