Out of the [M]ad House!

Some people have today been posting that they believe there is a possibility that Italy Marauders may be able to challenge for this seasons Eurocup crown...

Close! But no Cigar - The Italian giants have fallen, leaving in their wake many questions! I caught up with Germany urtier to find out quite why one of the more popular teams in RTCW and ET history have called it a day again.

QuoteAfter a few weeks of playing doktor decided to step back from gaming because of school and some other real life issues. We tried to find a replacement, but well, you can't really find one nowadays that can compete with dok. And since our motivation in the whole team was rather low, we decided better not to take place in the Eurocup.

It's not really nice to drop out in the middle of the cup or something.

I think most of the guys will stop ET from now on. Maybe some will keep playing if there's a nice offer. Otherwise prolly Quake 4 or some other game.

The side that since their conception in RTCW have always called Eurocup their home, did briefly travel in their previous ET form to Quit Reality and Agony Realm, but this incarnation was to form with remains of Junk52 and some familiar faces from [M] history, and had the potential to succeed! But like many an Italian football team, failed to fulfill that potential.

Ciao Bella!
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