Eurocup XVII prize fund

image: banner_xvii

Today clanbase has announced the prize money for this years EC. Both ET and ETQW will get a 750€ cash prize, whereas CoD2 and CoD4 will receive 625 and 1000€ respectively. All prizes this season will be paid out in vouches for

QuoteThe prize fund for the Spring 08 season has arrived, and this year, everyone in ALL of this year's EuroCups will have a chance to win a prize, and even some of the non-EC clans will get a shoot at the prizes. With the signups going strongly, we hope that those who haven't yet signed up will take this as the final incentive to do so. Just think, one of these prizes could be yours for the taking! Signup now to avoid disappointment.

More information about the prizemoney can be found here
whoa history being made! :O
Wow kinda surprised :) gj!
shocked tbh!
niiice I desperately need: Helix, eSrael, dignitas back in action pleaaaase! + mystic + darkie + redcross + theeta etc :P
omg nice!
CoD4 is getting 1450 actually :)
1650 in total. 400 for second place and 250 for third. Also some nice Steelseries goodies you can win in OC.
Too bad online only skill will take some of that :(
lotto compensates for cheats in cod4 :P
nice one rly hopefully more cdc and more leagues and the game will go ahead :D
nice to see cb still caring about ET
Let's hope some decent teams still sign up. :/
great :o , Lan finals?
Wow, thumbs up for ClanBase :)
nice job CB !
ET getting more than CSS! :XD
that's a good thing imo.
ET is a far better game than CSS.

ET > CS 1.6 = COD 4 > CSS > ETQW

I'm glad your opinion is irrelevant :)
unexpected from an ETQW player
I'm sure the statistics backup your opinion...
ofc not, but i stays my opinion and i have the right to express it.
ofc. you do. never said not so..
Well, relatively, because in CSS there are five man teams and in W:ET / ET:QW 6 man

750 / 125 = 6
625 / 125 = 5
finally something good about CB.
only resputable if they ban cheaters from competing.
TosspoT please organise some lan finals.

don't want xiiters to take teh moniez
LAN finals for the EC would actually be nice :)

Not just for CoD, ET, ETQW, but for all games.
i don't want to see some cheaters getting money.
Maybe nC will become an official mgc now >:/
cheaters wont win EC.
maybe perform good at OC but no chance for EC
why take the risk?
having lan finals might deny the chance for some ppl to win who have to work or sth.
but on the other hand its a nice event for sure.

but not going to happen
ye true i would pay 300€ for an ec final where u cant win anything^^
what do you mean?
you can win something
look, cb never gave the prizes to the team which won eurocup or were top3, so why would players waste money to play ONE game at a lan?
i wasn't thinking about one game.
rather the whole playoffs or something?
and isn't this the first time there is actual prizemoney or is it just faked?
the prizemoney is just faked to catch more teams as i already said, and even if they would play the whole playoffs there it would be a huge waste since one team has to pay around 1500€ for this lan.
then cdc is the future :P.
nice :D
woohoo, i expect many 'come backs'
im thinking about it!
cb always faked the prizes they wanted to give for et so why wouldnt they do it this time?
And still no QCup money. :,( Epic failure.
rly rly unexpected ;Þ
that's cause they think you cheat.
But TLR didn't receive anything, too. :,(
that's what they are telling you!
afaik we (gods) got the money at 2006. it required a lot of paperwork but finally we got it D:
waste of time...
stop swhining!
very nice
wuhuu ! <3 ET
hahaa... :D
nice. Time for comeback oldschoolboyz
CoD4 EC/OC is looking like it'll pass 1000 teams signed up :o
not really much and the big games are missing once again.. but i won't say anything more as clanbase is still the heaven on earth for most of you ;)
Perhaps, although I can honestly see CoD4 becoming the biggest game ever worldwide.
nah it's even more spray and pray than cs
It's far less campy though, and hence better to watch than CS.
100% wrong. in cod4 you have so many places more where to camp / hide. in CS there is always the same places and those campers get always killed. and personally I like watching cs more than cod4.
After playing CoD4 for a year or something everyone will be using the same spaces anyway :X
that is why they make new cod every year xD !
I've watched people stand still for entire rounds (after running out of spawn) in CS. Never saw that in CoD4.
if I got what you meant, that isnt camping. it's waiting. they'll rush end of the round
What I meant is someone standing, looking through a crack between two boxes, for an entire round.
that guy wont be there for long if enemy is attacking from the other side map. and just saw @ cod4 final that amazing camp. some guy from fnatic was waiting every round in same place, and when TLR was planting he just shoot through 3 walls or smth :D THAT IS AMAZING!
Yeah, the wall shooting in CoD4 is one thing I really don't like.
CoD4 requires 0 aiming skills, while CS actually requires quite a lot (not as much as ET/RtCW or Quake though).

If CoD4 wasn't that random and "low skilled" at the aiming part, it would be a great game.
True That Sir, and no wonder it gets big :p
I think i'll go play CoD4
oh common , imo cod4 is like the most booring game to watch, and its frag movies are booring, due to stupid maps with tens of buildings with rooms, prone ability and no real shooting technique(click+hold+spray). While CS has only few routes where all the action takes place, not so much unneeded stuff like burning cars crates etc, impressive headshots and no proning.
CoD4 made a really nice development in the last few months, nothing against that (your other comment shows it perfectly)

but i thought about cs and wc3 when i wrote "big games" (their competitive scene is just bigger than everything else)
I know you were thinking CS and WC3. And I think they might be overtaken by CoD4 within a year. It's probably less than 50% chance, but I reckon it could (finally) happen.
Starcraft is the only true progame :P Even CS and WC look amateur compared to korean progaming and the amount of sponsering it gets.

Also becommong more popular in the West with English commentators making a name out of themselvs on youtube, next being asked to go cast live games in korea :P
Europe is just waiting for Starcraft 2 :p
wow, et is reborn
The prize is not cash but is vouchers for gamestop?
ET gets the same amount in vouchers like ETQW, win imo
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