Eurocup ET Notice

image: banner_xvii

In order to avoid situations like last season I'm asking every team that has big lineups on their profile to put them in groups and putting the intended lineup of the OC/EC in one group. You can name them everything you want as long as they aren't some stupid throw-together of numbers and 'ET team'/'inactive' would be best.

You can make the groups and put people in it as a clan leader or a trustee. Go to your personal admin page on the top of the bar with your account. you can add clan properties there if you are logged in on the correct account. create a new property as group and give a few team names( fi. team, management , inactive). After this confirm and go to member properties and select which player goes in which section.

This is so we can make the best decision of who to invite to this cup. All players can only play for one team so for players that are aware of their teams fighting over a place in EC I suggest choose one and stick with it.

Clans that ignore this request might lose their chance at qualification for the EuroCup so don't come complaining afterwards.

Also remember sign ups close this Sunday the 9th or March. If you still want to sign up be quick.
i think this team is aimed at teams like Highbot etc with loads of players in their profile so CB dont actually know who is playing
well was an example :)
TBH its not fair to give highbot ec-spot, because they were inactive and when ec appeared, they are suddenly active again

sry for bad english skills
why u telling me that, nothing to do with me
totally agree^^
true, emagine for ec ;D
who says they have a direct invite + give him a break, atleast he's doing an effort to sort out this ec!
ok, but how about defining "big lineups"? or a list of the clans u wanted to reach? dont expect every clan to check that automatically!
big lineups=lineups with more than 8 players i guess!
over 10 is what i was aiming for and the ones wilt about 10 with allot of multiclanning persons
its a good idea but i dont see the use in it

they can switch players from group to group every day

so they just make a good group now and when EC starts they switch it
Yep, exactly.. :-/
that's a great idea :) never thought of that before :p
ye like they make a group with all players from another team... I'll notice that you know.
or the inactive players
i have no idea how to change that lineup stuff @ cb

or do i have to do that at crossfire öÔ
read the newspost once more if you havent got it while reading it the 1st time... he explained it really good imo

everything is there. clan properties and member properties :)
yes ok thx...

i didnt understand one more thing..

he is talking about something with direct invite...but we signed up do we have to play some qualis or do they just pick the best teams ?
for ec? admin will choose 8 teams that will play EC without any quialis. and they will choose 16 teams to play one quali match 16/2 = 8.
nice idea
Like more than 12 players or something?
12 is a bit much...i guess teams with 8-9 and more players should do it!
Might be looking for a team.. pm me in or query tornis.. if u have a good offer.
img needs a rifle, we got everything else, speaking swedish @ comms not a problem either, pm me here on xfire.
need a loller team
when will the invites be announced? I'm sure cod4 admins will have loads of work to do with 837 signups so far.
never seen this many "Wants" teams
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