ET EMS: signup reminder

image: et-ems With the end of CDC 4 the time has come for a new chapter in Enemy Territory's online competition history. The next weeks and months will be full of hot and enthralling matches at several competitions, headed by the ESL Major Series of Europe's most important league. While other leagues are featuring prizes only for the best team or just some hardware prizes, the ESL Major Series promises a higher prize money of € 1,000 and prizes for the best three and not only the winning team. As announced previously, the ESL Major Series is open for all and it's up to you to take the chance and win more than just a golden_cup.gif to your team profile.

The signups for the ESL Major Series Season II are open already for about two weeks and will close Sunday evening 23:59 CET. Premium will not be required for any stage of the EMS, the only thing you need is an ESL player and team account. If you need help for registering at the ESL, please check this page or contact an admin in Detailed qualification information will be published next week, some of them can already be found in this newspost.

But before the signups will close at Sunday midnight, we will see the third and last Sunday Night Cup starting at 18 CET. This is the last possibility for your team to get an advantage in the seedings for the EMS Qualifiers. For more details please check the original ESL newspost.

ESL Major Series Sign Up
ESL Major Series Teams
ESL Newspost: Sunday Night Cup #3
ESL getting started guide
noone wants to pay money if the cant win. It isnt Lan.
read it again pls.. EMS is totally free for you ;)
Then it was some other Cup by ESL.
ET had never a cup where you had to pay for. Even the ESL IPS 1 1/2 years ago was free for all :)
but what was that 5 eurs ?

The only thing I can connect with 5€ is the trusted status. BUT this is NOT required in any ET league as it is avi only for some countries (de,ch,at,fr..)
We signed up for it, I still need 5 euro's from you :p
merc for Sunday Night Cup
signed up, i think

the site is bahhhh :(
esl site > * > cb
i rly dont know why people have always whined about clanbase system
i rly dont know why people have always whined about esl system
Clanbase is really really really easy to use.
ESL is easy to use as well, once you figure out how it works :P
need a team!
wont play without light :<
and got kicked yesterday
that site is even worse than clanbase
gotta wait for lepari to remove himself from impact's profile before being able to signup for that it seems :l
Notice our pro clanpic
is this cup for everyone or just something laik ET?
and will it be with brackets and stuff?
top teams only, usually they have a groupstage and a double elimination bracket
not rly if there are enough signups (50+ seems to be very nice) there will be national qualifiers so every team gets its chance to qualify for the groupstage
Yeah okay, but imo playing in the qualifiers is not playing in the cup itself
ofcourse its not but the national qualifier is like its own cup... you can try to win that one and then do you best + get experience in the groupstage :) read my column then you get my point that it's only good for our community :DD
Sanctiepunten (12) Momenteel gebanned in alle leagues omwille van te veel sanctiepunten.
vervalt op 09/06/09
12 Punten Cheating
MBL Entry

haha shit
Quotehaha shit

you cant blame your brother @ esl:D
pwned by mongols
"haha shit"

made me smile :]
need team :/
easy for velerion!
03.03.08 13:42h Velerion Project EMS new_member Noorgrin

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