ET's Major Series: Signups extended

image: et-ems Normally the signups for the Enemy Territory ESL Major Series should have been closed on Sunday night, but after many new teams joined the tournament in the last 48 hours we decided to extend the singups for another week. This means you still have the chance to signup for the €1,000 competition!

With 73 teams up to now the ESL Major Series will be one of the biggest and most important Enemy Territory tournaments in 2008. Additionally, the prize money of € 1,000 will be the highest one in an ET online competition for several months, that's why we could see many teams registering at ESL with the end of CDC some days ago. Due to the increasing interest in the last days, we decided to extend the signups for another week. The new deadline is now Monday, 17.03.08, 17:59 CET.

At the same time the ESL announced some more qualification details like the map pool, config or rules on lineup changes and the team's nationality. Everything can be found in the original ESL newspost and we really appeal all teams to take a look at it. Due to this change, the start of the ESL Major Series will be delayed for one week.

ESL Major Series Signup
ESL Newspost
ESL Getting started guide
this could be a great tournament
well done
great stuff
nice :)
i need to get us signd up!
i dont like the esl system :<
its like
-> create team
-> give players the password
-> they join
-> you click 'sign up'

... not that hard tbh
Insert a link to view the teams which already signed up
n1ce news but website still sucks LOL!
esl site > cb site
A i just did it in the last hours ;)
well done kafux !
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