LowLandLions with a big roar!

image: 24q1q4y
LowLandLions have sprung a huge surprise in the CoD4 roster round about by merging their roster with that of H2k's and forging an immense benelux powerhouse to raise their performance after CDC4, one which for L3 ended early and for H2k ended in match conflicts.

Due to real life issues and large internal conflicts the side broke apart with Ecu leaving to the outside world and yazzy and Stevy leaving as a result of the conflicts. The side that were a rising star towards the end of CoD2 and the penultimate Eurocup season were in dire straights with just two players remaining.

L3 looked to qwertY, Joepoe and Doekoe to fill the void and left Mitox out in the cold without a team and H2k without a CoD lineup for the first time in years. Heres L3's new full lineup;
Belgium Sticky
Belgium Restyle
Netherlands qwertYYY
Netherlands Joepoe
Netherlands doekoe
Netherlands tEkin (back-up)

The story is far from over with Netherlands Insecure from H2k Gaming has stated "The true story how it went internally will be released in a couple of days" - suggesting that that yet more drama is to unfold. Readmore for quotes and a teaser as to how soured H2k's relationship with their CoD team was.
Statement Jan "Sticky" Craeynest:
QuoteTo start, It's always hard to say goodbye to a person whom you played more than 3 years with. Therefore, I wish ecu the very best in his life! Next to ecu, I feel sorry that we have to say goodbye to Stevy & yazzy. Since they're a duo, it's not possible to remove one of them from the line-up. They are good players, they have motivation, but something didn't fit well in the team. After our depressive results at cdc4 last weekend, I felt some changes were needed. Those changes we found in the dutchies from H2k gaming. I've played with joepoe, doekoe and qwerty before at the Cod-gamer lan in Paris last year in November, and I'm 100% sure this line-up will perform better than the previous one. We all have the correct motivation, we all have the needed skill, etc... In other words, we all have what it takes, and that's all we need! To end, I wish stevy & yazzy all the best in the future. I'm sure that they will find a good home in cod4. The same counts for mitox btw!

Statement Joep "Joepoe" Van Den Eerenbeemt:
QuoteI've left H2k with a bad feeling in my stomach but i'm looking toward a bright future, I loved everyone in my team, and I still do, I feel sorry for mitox, more then I can explain in words. MY best gaming period yet was with this team, not only in terms of achievements but also in how we felt as a group. But lately our activity has dropped, and when this offer came along we had a long doubt about it. But after a long talk we made up our minds, we want to be the best, and with our current lineup we could not and will not achieve this. So weve decided to let the least active players go, and try our luck with 2 new guys. L3 is a young organisation, it has a bright future that we want to be a part of. As an active team, well try to once again show the world, what this team is capable of ! love to my ex-teammates and h2k!


Noteworthy comment by MITOX3, part of the H2K Line-up of cdc4
Quote#104 Belgium H2k.MITOX3 2008-03-11 19:36:22
kanker ito's ik hoop dat jullie kankerhard falen
stop met me comments weg te doen kankerito's

Which can be translated as:
Cancer retards, I hope you fail miserably
stop deleting my comments, cancer retards.

copy paste skills :P
but what a good one!
True, quite sad though, poor h2k :(
nice having something to do with cod (hand)
nice flame
cod4 > tetris
Once the real story gets in the air (Which should be in a couple of days on the H2k-Gaming.com website) you all might understand Mitox his comments and the reason why he is posting these comments.
wanted to make a comment like

"how professional to show a quote like that in a news post like this"

but then i saw m1lk is the one that posted it so i didnt;D
what does it mean anyway?
the quote of that Belgium guy?
If you mean that read the post again.. its standing below the quote...

QuoteWhich can be translated as:
Cancer retards, I hope you fail miserably
stop deleting my comments, cancer retards.
oh, didnt notice it, thx anyway: d
translated into English.. I dont think it has the same effect xD
Brilliantly written m1lk, expect more from you of this standard!
;D idd very nice copy skills + adding some cancer in it! :p
check again, mister!
that was just so he could get it up asap, then he unleashed his literary skills that in his own words are similar to those of Charles Dickens!
you forgot how i managed to build up the tension and made people want to click on read more. just amazing.
I also forgot how the text conveys your shining good looks and humerous nature.
he has the hair
qwertYYY made some sick shots at CDC4 !11111111234
also some sick whine..
Never went up xD
they have awesome nicks tbh o:
image: amlion

Ohhh and good luck :)
I've never heard a team at a LAN scream the word "kanker" in some variety as much as these guys did at CDC4. Even with the door shut, it was fucking loud.

Good luck!
Will be even worse when tekin isn't playing but coaching :P
<3 mitox3
yay i finally got mentioned in the xfire news !!! ; O
One of the guys on the picture asked me if I was emo at CDC. Was quite surprised tbh :D First time ever I have been thought off as emo.
you are a beautified emo, tbh :)
gl doekoe owner
omg mitox.... lame
QuoteSecond I want to protect the former H2k.Qpad squad, it wasn’t their fault that the news came out so early.

Haha, joepoe went to a gamelux newsposter to bring out the news but OK :')
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