zEm is back

Sweden Rickard 'zEm' Intveld, well known for his time in the WHOCREW? and fukyuu team back in CoD 1 & 2 made his comeback, to join his friends at Sweden fnatic, the team which recently won the Call of Duty 4 tournament at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge #4.
zEm, who was on vacation in Thailand with his family for nearly two months couldn't handle it to follow the games of his friends as a spectator. So he booked an earlier flight back to Sweden to be in shape for the i33 Lan, which will take place from the 21st till the 24th of March. He will probably play the Swedish Qualifier for the ESL Major Series this sunday aswell. klanne, who filled in his empty spot, will stay as Backup in the team.

Sweden Martin 'mintR' Rojder
Sweden Daniel 'tidde' Asp
Sweden Rickard 'zEm' Intveld
Sweden Mikael 'zsilts' Smedberg
Sweden Marcus 'odyx' Nilsson
Sweden Jonny 'klanne' Wahlqvist

Quote by mintHaving zEm play for your team is truly an honour. One of the most experienced players in the game and also one of the most skilled players make him one of the top picks for any team. For me personally this is also amazing since I have played most of my CoD days together with him. zEm is a clutch player above most and it will be exciting to see what we can do with this new lineup over the next few months. Welcome back bebben!

Quote by zEmAfter one and a half month on vacation in Thailand and following the boys online and via phone during the CDC4 tournament I felt I wanted to play with them again. So I decided to get myself a very expensive early ticket back home to Sweden and the cold to be able to attend i33 in England. From now on I will be playing CoD4 for about two weeks to get back in shape and up to speed with the team.
It will be very fun to play with the boys again and to wear the fnatic colors. They did a great job at CDC4 and I hope it can continue with me in the team.

fnatic News
Lycka till, zEm, GL HF
A shame to lose Klanne, but zem is zem
klanne knew that he will be backup as soon as zem is back
skipping ur thailand vacation for gaming
rly rly rly serious business imo
1st Prize €6,000
2nd Prize €3,000
3rd Prize €1,500

@ i33 (total prize pot of 12,000 Euros for CoD 4)
he already been there for 1.5 month so =)
Lycka till !
I would never change a winning team, even if it's zEm. The individual skill most likely increased, but will the teamplay get in old shape till i33? I would have replaced klanne atleast after the i33.
are you going to i33 ?
Yer, with TCM.
ye i thouht gl andd stuf
Go to learn! How many hours u need to be there anyways?
i was laffing ad your english
I'm to pro for English please
sex tourist ?
booked earlier flight back :D

he must be an eager gamer
or just tired of spending time with his family.
it's a shame klanne won't be in the main line-up anymore, he played really well at CDC4. :(
need wnkr back <3

gl @ cdc5 guys
tidde and klanne, last men standing =p
omg, u were in thailand and u came back earlier :DD
I was impressed by klanne at CDC4, zEm might be good too, but I don't really see much point in the change - too much like trying to fix something that ain't broken, could screw up the winning formula.
At the moment : klanne > zem and klanne + tidde make a fucking nice duo... Since long timeeeee
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