We are going on...

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It's time for the next Version of the “one-day 6on6 Cup“ powered by get-liga.de.

You can signup your team from now till Sunday 26.03.2006 13:45cet.
But remember, to make sure that your team is allowed to play at the Cup you have to “checkin. The checkin-Link ( http://get-liga.de/cup.php?cup=6# ) is available at the cupday from 13-50cet-14:50cet or till the cup is full, which means 32 teams checkedin.

As a new feature Germany skooli added a backup function. What does that mean for you? It's simple:
If checkin is full you still can checkin, but you're only on the waiting list...if somebody gets kicked the backupteam which has checked in first can play, and so on.

Round 1: adlernest_b7c
Round 2: supplydepot2
Round 3: Radar
Round 4: braundorf_b4
Round 5: sw_goldrush_te / Radar

Again we are playing with 1 map ( 2 sw rounds ) only the final will be played on 2 maps. If both teams fullhold the other team on a map you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

Since the clanbase matches are played with etpro 3.2.5 we decided to follow them, so you have to use the „new“ etpro for the cup matches and our ladder games.
Get etpro3.2.5

You dont have to add everyone of your team at the cuppage, but it would be nice if you do so.
The same thing with the Guids.

United Kingdom uQ-Gaming.Ati (Winner of the last cup) had the following to say:
QuoteWe are a pretty new team, we exist now for some weeks and had some lineup changes during the weeks. We played the third
ET Fast Gaming Cup and won in the finals vs Finland i-Gods. The next sunday we won the third ET Get-Liga cup and had
a close final match vs Europe Team Helix. We also just passed the playoffs in the Clanbase Benelux Cup. We now also competiting
in the next Get-Liga Cup. With this lineup:
Belgium ziff
Belgium zeto
Netherlands Ati_
Scotland razz
Germany second
Hungary seNti
We are looking forward to it and hope that we play some nice matches.

Now get your team, signup for the cup, checkin, play and win :-)
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