Community ruleset web page goes live!

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The Community ruleset is soon 6 months old and the people behind the ruleset (Biggest EU leagues and top EU teams) have now decided to open a public web page and irc channel. The thought behind the new public input channels are to let more people have their say on the rule decisions. The rule deciding wont go completely public though, but key questions will now be asked in public.

The idea behind the web page is not to create a community, start cups or fill any other function already taken within the community. The web page is only there so people now more easily can find the newest Community ruleset server config, read updates and vote on key questions.

You can find the new Community ruleset web page here:

And the new irc channel on quakenet here:

The Community ruleset is supported by ClanBase, ESL, Crossfire and the top EU teams.

About the Community ruleset
The original goal of the ruleset was to avoid having different sets of rules in the various leagues in the EU and to have as simple rules as possible. We are happy that we have succeeded with this and in the newest version of the Community ruleset everything is automatically forced through server cvars.

The Community ruleset is being voted on by the supporting leagues and the current EU top / most active clans. So all rule decision are made by the competitive community, rather than single persons like in most games. The process of being invited into the voting body of the ruleset is quite simple: be active, serious and you will eventually get invited. If your clan feel overlook, feel free to contact taken or any other admin in our public irc channel on quakenet.

And we are now looking into having public polls as well, so more people can get the chance to influence the rules.
Italy n1ce Belgium EDiT
tbh its a template+some info. setting up a web page isnt much work these days :)

But harder to get everyone to follow same rules. Think ETQW is the only game having something like this tbh.
Dont know off any game where different leagues work together with players to have one set of rules.
CoD tried and failed (that is no indication whether this will fail in ET:QW though)
This isn't meant as a flame, but I think that the small size of ETQW compared to COD4 might actually be beneficial for such an initiative.
as I wrote in the newspost, we have been running the community ruleset for almost 6 months now :)
nice banner
strogg & gdf surrounded by tek-9 ? wtf :D
Picture is stolen from not tek9 :p

edit: and its meant a little ironic with all the bashing within the etqw community ^^
just plz don't do public votes - top clans only plz

those frigging statwhore tards are just too fucking stupid to decide - it would kill down the LAGGY game ... :C
Well nothing will only be decided by public polls alone and its not like we are spamming the webpage on stats servers so dont think that will be an issue :)

but on the other hand, to get people more involved they need to have some kind off voice in all this.

and after 1-2 months max it will be etqw: autoaiminginstakilltankwars

no thx.....
et is already autoaimingwars :-)
hope you are working on 4v4 ruleset too
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