ESL EMS config released

image: et-emsThe EMS qualifiers will start within the next two weeks for a few national and international sections. The ESL have released the new 6on6 config for the ESL Major Series powered by Asus now. With currently 79 teams signed up the interest of teams is quite big for a qualifier on a high class prize money event eventhough it's nothing compared to over 200 signups for the ClanBase OpenCup. Two major events for ET are making their way, stay tuned for entertaining weeks on Crossfire, ETTV and ingame.

Major Settings
- maxpackets in 60 - 100
- maxfps in 43 - 125
- helmetprotection eq 0
- maxMg42s eq 0

The ESL match system will be loser's choice: With the first map forced in each match the loser of a map will decide the upcoming map until the winner of the match is decided. In the case of a fullhold a cointoss will come up to decide the next map.
And the maps are:
- Adlernest
- Braundorf
- Bremen
- Radar
- Supply
- SW Goldrush TE
The most recent version of each map will be played.The sign ups for the ESL Major Series qualifier stage are possible till Monday, 17.59 CET.

Sign Up
Download the EMS config

Confirmed coverage
ESL TV for video streams and for ETTV have confirmed their coverage for the upcoming season. Additional stations might follow. If you are interested in coverage contact an ESL admin. Keep in mind that the ESL has special restriction on coverage since two years already.

Players with recent cvar violations or suspicious screenshots can expect a ban from the ESL before the qualifiers start. Ban appeals can be done within two weeks after the ban started, afterwards a rehabilitation request will take atleast 3 months and a remove of the ban is not guaranteed.

If you have any problems signing up with your team please contact an ESL admin before Monday to make sure you can participate with your team.


Remove braundorf tho! :c
Bremen is a lot worse than braundorf.
I disagree!
bremen is a bit like radar.... long distance duels all the time... 3on3 braundorf leantard polaks just can't handle that map
I have no problem with radar, just don't like bremen... Is it a shame to don't like some map, even if people think it's good?
No, it's not.
only hackers and leaners love braundorf :[]
How can you play ETQW if you hate leaners?
awesome logo of impact, sick paint skills by me!
was made on toilet, wasn't it? ;>
dont u see?1?!

its a toilet from above, with 4 entrances and 4 toilet rolls so that one can choose where he wants to look while on the bong
so it's pron for you? I Gona delete it!!!11 ;>
its just a toilet :()
dont forget the proves in the quadv vod archive! ;>
mpg logo>all
bremen > braundorf anytime
adlernest was already shit 2 years ago
- maxfps in 45 - 125

:D this is so shit rule. dunno even why.
So it's shit, but you don't know why it's shit?
whats your problem
whats yours?
i hate irish people
coz i wanna play with super high fps!!11
are those new configs ?
yes, includes lua fixes and is based on the cdc config, made by frop o/ - no major changes compared to the euro configs
why maxfps 45-125?
couldent you make it 43-125?
actually, it is, minor mistake in the news
remove braundorf from the maplist and everything looks fine

and helmetprotection 1 imo!

and helmetprotection 1
Velerion says: OKI!
me says OKI too

also maxpackets >60 is useless with maxfps >43... but who cares. maplist seems to be OKI too.
Remove braundorf.
- helmetprotection eq 0
i dont think medics need extra advantage..
how does it give medics extra advantage?
Higher ratio between the HP of medics and the HP of non-medics.
actually not, medics have always more hp than other classes.

The amount of medics per team decides if you will need 3 headshots per kill, so for the defence you play with 1 fop and 1 eng or with less hp. Attackers can switch better to get the tank on grush for example. In addition, this gives even more power to the garant and the spread this weapon has.

Overall, nothing rly changed just the amount of spam is even more important for the defender with less hp while it's easier for attackers with more hp. Overall it belongs to the tactic.
With HP I meant the HP after both have received a headshot, and with ratio I meant ratio, medicHP/nonmedicHP
headshot takes the normal damage even with helmet, so this is quite a complicated point of view ;)
:O I thought the helmet removes 10 damage from any headshot from a non-scoped weapon. Was I wrong? :(
mp dmg should be 50hp / headshot without helmet. With helmetprotection it should be around 40hp damage (or as a bodyshot, not sure) as long as you have it on. This means the discussion would be about 10 or max 20 hp ;>

The advantage comes for rifle engees, which makes garant skill much more important and the varity of using more medics instead of field ops - which might result in more self kills but less arty spam and hopefully more airstrikes.
its way different if u need 2hs to kill vs 3
always hated to play 1on1 with esl config for that reason, not so huge in 6on6 but still noticiable
as I said, it belongs to the amount of medics and your tactic.

More medics for more hp or more spam and less hp, you decide ;)
and i dont view that as a good thing
forces clans to think about tactics again, and will hopefully result in different tactics for different clans again
wouldnt count on it =P
2hs to kill fop/engi 3 for medic
no mgs, esl like :o)
Great stuff! (Except Brandorf, it's just a leaner paradise map)
yeah this is news worth, a config release
still waiting for cb to remove mg as well, its fucking hilarious how many fucktards use it in wars
... and it's fucking hilarious how many don't. although mg in bremen axis is very annoying.
Don't remove braundorf, it's awesome!

(remove it)
helmetprotection 0 =(
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