Swedish EMS II Qualifier

image: 2388_0b9qa Tomorrow, the swedish ESL Major Series II Qualifier for Call of Duty 4 will kick off. It's the first qualifier, where the top two teams will get a spot for the Major Series Season. Five swedish Call of Duty teams will face each other for those spots.

Sweden Mortifer.cod4
Sweden fnatic.cod4
Sweden Team One2
Sweden Live2Win.Gaming
Sweden Vicious and Evil .CoD 4

image: backlot

[center]fnatic vs. live2win
VAE vs. Mortfier[/center]

image: crash

image: strike

[center]fnatic vs. VAE
one2 vs. Mortfier[/center]

image: vacant

fnatic vs. one2
live2win vs. VAE[/center]

image: crossfire

[center]live2win vs. one2
Mortfier 3 vs. 11 fnatic[/center]

Cmon one2!
cheers, but see my comment below.
gl Sweden dohfOs
go Sweden chippy !!!!
Good luck dohfos, numse, murre! Go get them =]
Is there only one really good team from Sweden? :\
Fnatic are ok, but you're right really its all about One2
i'd say fnatic is without a doubt #1. vae, cph & mod are their closest competitors.. but there are many quite close to these 3.. such as l2w.gaiming, coconutcrew, galenskap to name a few :)
gl dohfOs & co.
gl fnatic
ehrm. One2 folded like 2-3 days after we signed up for that qualifier (Numse left the team out of the blue and the rest of us didn't bother rebuilding it without him).

however, me and keno moved on and formed GALENSKAP ~ a week ago, check http://www.galenskap.eu for some kinda statement - #galenskap

we tried to replace One2 in the swedish qualifier but thegab (headadmin at cod4 esl) denied us that possibility (since Numse was the leader at the ESL-account of One2 and not me). So we (GALENSKAP) won't be be able to participate.. and the old One2 is dead since well... quite some time now.. so there will be lotsa forfeits, guess ESL admins prefered it that way. kinda sucks but hey, nothing we can do about it :(
A great chance to return to the ET:QW scene!
you will never give up won't you?
until the fat lady sings
did you get that comment from pcgameplay btw?
Ye my sweet boy. The lacerator is calling you.
where are rawkstar ? They aren't bad if I'm right
Rawkstar == Live2Win.Gaming (got recruited to that organization about 1 week ago)
ah ok thx :)
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