Pure Pwnage Episode 10 Hits Streets

Since there is little to none general gaming content on xfire.be, i thought it would be nice to steal a post containing the latest release of a concept we all know; Pure Pwnage!
image: SS_EP10
On GGL Netherlands Remao 'Cash' Tummers writes:

'March 17, 2006 - ROFLMAO Production today released the tenth episode of their webseries "Pure Pwnage". The humorous TV show touches on topics within the gaming world, and revolves around the life of Jeremy (aka "teh_pwnerer") and his friends.

The shows is a personification of the gaming lifestyle, filled with "gamer slang" where Jeremy is on a crusade to "pwn n00bs."

In this episode, "Teh Best Day Ever", Jeremy finds himself playing the "rl" game a bit too much. Out of money and not willing to work, he even ends up losing his girlfriend. But as expected, it ends happily ever after, with a touch of romance.

Based on a suggestion to Jeremy during the show, there is an actual auction on Ebay for his hair. The current bid is at $ 610, which also includes a signed bandana.

Episode 10 "Teh Best Day Ever" is now available for download. '

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