Epsilon.CoD4 shuffle their lineup

image: 4After both the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 and Level7 LAN's respectively failed at the Finnish forces of Europe Epsilon, the team felt required to make a major lineup change in order to keep on participating on the upper level in the Call of Duty 4 scene, and stop disappointing themselves with bad results.

The team has dropped three of their Finnish players Finland dae, Finland ana and Finland jani, following the recent inactivity announcement of Finland Fix who has decided to step back from competitive gaming. These drops left the team behind with two players, Finland id3 and Finland sec.

In return, the team has picked up three players who surprisingly come from teams which are considered their rivals. The team has picked previous CS:S player Finland DEEMI who has previously performed for Finland Team Konna on the Level7 LAN. His skills are with no doubt expected to have an impact on the team.

The second player who will try to help the CoD4 team take over control in the scene is Finland konna. This too is a rather surprising move, since he previously played WC3 for MYM, and has fairly recently been introduced to the Call of Duty series.

The third player is Finland plaekki, who also performed on Level7 and this time rather succesfully considering he won the LAN together with his previous team Finland Logitech.fi. His experience on the top level is expected to take the team even further.

Quote by id3After two disappointing performances at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 and Level7 OpenCup 2008, we finally figured out what was wrong, and hence decided to start the alteration of our team. What our old lineup missed was the motivation and the required experience from big matches. We did play extremely well in both events' groupstages, yet we were unable to deliver whenever it really started to matter. Also the fact that Ville "fix" Jarvinen decided to quit competitive gaming and take gaming less seriously after Level7 had its effect that lead us to this decision.

Throughout the whole process of creating this lineup we have been able to see enormous dedication for success in these players and we are sure that will follow us in our journey's upcoming months as well.

With the addition of the three upstanding players, the Epsilon CoD4 lineup looks as follows:

Finland id3
Finland sec
Finland DEEMI
Finland konna
Finland plaekki

All 3 players who have now been added to the team are expected by the community to have a great impact on the skill level of Epsilon. Not only because of their individual qualities, but also because of their experience at an international level in varyious games. Whether the lineup change turns out to be a good one, remains a question to all of us.

i like your activity insecure ^^
Yeah, 3 posts in a row. :D!
nice news, insecure

keep it up!
need sacrim!!
hes in the army :)
get him outta there!!
cod4 for most unstable teams ever
Not really - in CoD4 you don't have ECs where over half the teams are built for just that season :p
there is every week at least 1 news item with cod4 team changing players
if et clans would post every change, there would be posts like this every day/clan !
but cod4 is supported, et isnt
same ppl are playing em
not on high lvl:D
how come not ?
only hummel went pro
it's the first EC for CoD4 so ofc the teams are not EC only yet. That will happen next season :P
The CoD series in general (mainly CoD2) counted nearly always the same teams in each EC episode.
Copyedited! (If you wondered why there were some minor changes)
logitech is dead :'(
Wasn't Deemi a source player for Cadre?
Nice to see him playing a better game. :)
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