Auf Wiedersehen Speedlink

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Speedlink who as a team have been together since Ocrana in Call of Duty 1 have today called an end to their time in CoD4 after a troubled start to the game. Having lost Crossfire favourite Humm3L at CDC4 the side were once again on the look out for a fifth and decided that the renewed prospect of having to rebuild the team was just too much.

CoD Favourite Trigger had these touching words to say;

QuoteThis is the last day of SPEED-LINK CoD4, eventough we didnt want it to end this way. After several attempts to get back on track, we finally realised that we wouldn't have enough energy to do another comeback. We felt that the german player market wouldn't provide us what we needed to get back on top again. We couldnt achieve much in Call of Duty 4, our power was just not enough anymore.

The roster achieved a great deal in CoD1 and the early days of CoD2 however they could never regain their status amongst the elite after CPC1 where they finished second. CDC4 was expected to be the return of Speedlink after two bootcamps and heavy preperations, however instead it was their final farewell.

Best of luck to a team who truly have been a joy to meet and play with.


:: Speedlink Site
:: TeK-9
woow unexspected :o
cod4 is dead, teams just fold!
only cause they dont wanna play against you!! :`(
havent play cod4 for long time!
What a shame.
gj hummelito ^^
there is a cheetah , a cheetah
gl trigger and co.
not rly unexpected but a pity nonetheless
more teams folding lol
so many "crossfire favourites"
nice fuckup hummel !
the end of a great squad
Nice one humm3l quitting cod4 and going to et and killing team :-)
He killed two teams, qix and Speed-Link.
-qix, +legendary
Didn't think of Legendary, but yeah you're right, so he's at 3 atm.

qix, Speed-Link and Legendary
And counting! :D
shame on you humm3l, shame ....
humm3l let them die for et!
just the real decision
too bad guys, i really loved ocrana back in cod1
gl in life
bb, good luck all members
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