A bit of marmite...

image: small_lunaIt`s a long discussed debate, one said to be even older than the timeless Marmite classic. Like the imfamous food spread, everyone seems to have some sort of allegiance to either one of the big two Enemy Territory leagues: Clanbase and Warleagues. Clanbase with it's previous controversies over some hefty decisions, and Warleagues with its somewhat harsh "poor man's CB" tag, well, something had to be done. We couldn't allow people the needless free thought they had before. And anyone whos checked GamesTV.org or had the misfortune to engage in conversation with Malta ToX|c recently will know what I'm going on about...

Match: Europe ClanBase Crew vs Europe Warleagues Crew
Date: Monday 27th March
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org / id 324 (incl. lineups)
SCast: FlyingDJ - Stream

Knowing ToX|c was a bit of a fan of his own voice, I dragged him out of a match and demanded to be told some more. Unfortunately, despite threats of taking his quotes wildly out of context, such as (21:35:55) (ToX|c`cless) "Well, we were going to do" "NightRaver" "to prove" "he" "is" "not" "normal", he's given me a whole lot of explanation, possibly partly written during a long spawn in one of Malta's NC games of late. Here's what he had to get off his chest:
Quote[/i]ToX|c: Well, we were going to do this at the end of the Summercups last season but then Yancho took over and we know the rest. Me and the rest of the CB crew did our uberpr0 tax for nothing, we even made IDLEcore [Adacore] to make them for us and he did, but at least now he is playing, luckily snuble got the idea of doing this match again, there is no doubt that CB is better but this match is going to prove it.
[The] Reason why CB is better? Simple - we dont have Yancho, but then we got NR [NightRaver] so things balance themselves out but then weve got the pro teamwork of luna and ak our only worry is that they get all horny during the match as ak will be panzer or medic, so either has a big panzer or needles so can poke things into luna and luna being rifler.... well u know the rest. This is the only main worry as im sure Mrozu and I can beat them on our own ;p

Certainly not short of confidence there! The match might be just under a week to go, but that gives the game plenty of time to superinflate the admin's egos to American proportions, and should lead to some substantial, if not loud fireworks that'll be coming our way.

Not to be out done, fellow Malteser and WL representitive Malta Yancho chipped in with some views as well:
Quote[/i]Yancho: Well I am pretty sure we are going 2 win for several reasons :D The main idea will be ME :D We all know how much Toxic loves me, even in gay ways - like this dream of his that we were going to play a match between CB and WL hehe. As many of you know I was working with EF during the late stages of Summercups, so here you have another proof of how much Toxic loves me to play good against me :D. Now I will also be the main man due to another important reason, the ripple effect. lunachick will keeps sending me a message on MSN every hit she does so she will waste alot of time - I will leave my msnPLUS auto reply saying "cool" and she will continue, until Angrykid will start getting worried why she is not playing good and he starts hassling so he will play shit (btw this will be his excuse - for those who know him he plays shit 24/7)
Then we have Mrozu who will start worrying when he sees that Toxic, and the couple are playing shitlike. He is such a noob that he can't handle this and will play hopeless too :D Then it's only left between IdleCore and NightRaver - who can't be considered players :P
Then look at our qualified players, snuble, resku, Mist, Badboy .. what you want more :P If this is a match to bet on, I say WE WIN :D

At this point I personally took a plane to Malta to disconnect these crazy people's internet connections to stop them from writing anymore! Keep checking gtv for any updates...
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