Live2Win - dtekt vs audacity

After a mind blowing CoD4 tournament at i33 I return to the comfy confines of my bedroom and back to reality. Live2Win is moving into its closing stages and as such deserves my full attention!

20:00 GMT - Losers Bracket Round 3 - Dtekt e-Sports vs Audacity on Strike

image: strikeFinland Dtekt have had a tricky run through the knockout phase being dropped into the losers bracket early on by Europe Ultima Ratio. Since then they have fought their way through into this lower bracket round 3 beating United Kingdom Team Coolermaster UK on the way who this weekend held the i33 champions Europe Dignitas to a 12-12 draw although admitedly Norway PlaZma was stuck in Norway at the time.

United Kingdom Audacity were knocked to the lower bracket in round 2 by Denmark Roskilde Ravens 13-8 and then had a tight game on Vacant against Finland Teamxeq 13-11.

Join Deman with Live Video Coverage from 20:00 GMT on QuadV TV1
Go policy!
Go policy!
Nice Surprise, hopefully we can pull it off although we won't have a chance to practise after i33 :)
gl dude, we will be sending rosklide your way, so be prepared :p
love it =D cu in the grand final ;D
Policy Gaming = Audacity :)
"I return to the comfy confines of my bedroom and back to reality"

it doesnt have to be this way !
send rosklide our way okla this time we gonna beat them :DD
mide playing ez bash for dtekt
Well done guys <3
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