Europe Clashes!

image: europe_flag
Another Qualification Day

Midweek, weekend is approaching again and the last qualification games are on the road to finally start this seasons eurocup. We have traveled to serveral countrys this week to see some spectacular matches. France, Netherlands, Poland etc. and today we are gonna mix them all up as 2 euro-mixed teams are gonna face eachother , and what kind of teams..

Result - Fatgames 4-0 o6


Poland etsi
Poland kot
Poland S4rna
Germany urtier
Ireland sol
Estonia Holz


Hungary Nonix
Hungary Senti
United Kingdom Matzi
United Kingdom Hype
Sweden tornis
United Kingdom Fatal

Gamestv info

My prediction

Just look at the line up of FatGames and many people will put the mark on their team * Eurocup Qualified *. With names as urtier kot and Holz you wouldn't expect much less. They have recently been pretty active and surely they must have been surprised they didn't get invited immediatly. Therefor they will even be more motivated to show tonight that they won't participate for qualification but for Eurocup Gold. Oceans6 starting as the underdogs tonight will have alot to prove. For me it's a pleasure to see stars like Nonix and Senti returning to the competetive scene, experience is gonna be a factor tonight and these guys just got tons of it. Further on we have the winner of most hated et player award in the likes of Hype, spectating him is luckely much more pleasant then reading his silly comments. To sum it up, once again an entertaining game tonight with alot of known faces and hopefully a close ending.

Final score: 4-2 in favour of FatGames

My player to view


And I think most people connecting on ettv tonight will be following this particular man. Known as one of the best engrish speaking Poles and certainly one of the top aimers the country knows. This damage beast is gonna pressure oceans6's game constantly.


Many people might underestimate this player but he's actually of a big value in his team. Over time he has mastered the rifle like only the best can in this game and if he is playing at his top level then Oceans6 will certainly be able to force this into a decider map.


image: ec17_logo_small
stop finding them rofl pictures ! :D
nice job otherwise
gl both teams, fat games ftw imo
n1 flaming hYpe!
gl everyone
don't make hide functions for lineups imo
I don't think Holz is from Espana :P

Nice one, go sol !
I think o6 will win because they have secret tactics!
gl looks a good game will actually watch it
OMGOMOMGOMGOMG OMG I KNOW TORNIS IRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO GO GO TORNIS!!!
lio thanks for this news :)

gL both.
Actually matz/clarkje is playing not lakaii. Everything else looks nice.
gogo hype :d
go oceans6

Many people might underestimate this player but he's actually of a big value in his team. Over time he has mastered the rifle like only the best can in this game"

hahahahahahahahahaha! =D


is every rifle ur playing with a teamkiller? then i would think your jsut a fat guy blocking the rifle shots.
nah just retards like u
I hope fatgames rape them but somehow I doubt it :(
i hope they come in EC and you shoutcast their match !
I wont shoutcast o6
hahaha unexspected :<
Real tornis or a fake??
tornis,- the man, the myth, the legend
FatGames on paper
hype is shit
fuck off with your posts everyday
epic comment =)
ok i will.
Let him talk bullshit but keep on writing.
Oceans6-senti is the 1man army tbh :XD, gl
nice read ²²
nice work lio :)
nice lio
Good work Lio, even better work cheater beaters fg!
Honestly, what the hell Tosspot. Don't mock my team, none of us are cheating, and it's demeaning to me and my team mates to hear such a thing from a respected guy like you are in this community.

I can't stand cheaters myself, actually I wasn't supposed to be playing this match. One of the reasons was because I wasn't comfortable playing with Senti, as he's been affiliated with well known cheaters, while knowing it. FaTaL was supposed to play for me but he didn't show up, so I ended up playing this match, with Senti. Senti is now kicked from o6, and I'm very happy with that.

That's todays rage from Lakaii, I'm sorry but I just had to point it out, but I still like you :(
How many times in how many games does hype need to get banned from?

You and nonix are both nice guys but by playing with cheaters you're always going to be in the firing line for abuse from people like me.
Cheaters? You make it sound like the whole team is full of cheaters, while it's Hype that's been stupid enough try Nexus on a public. Could you abuse the megaProGaming players too, they are fond of the hackers shy and keran. You see how silly this is
You dont make sense

QuoteI can't stand cheaters myself


QuoteHype that's been stupid enough try Nexus on a public

apparently these are two different things?
But what is your response to
QuoteCould you abuse the megaProGaming players too, they are fond of the hackers shy and keran.
they were banned from CDC werent they? Actions speak louder than words
That is like me saying that you are not allowed to eat my faeces, when you don't even want to eat it nor had plans to eat it, and if you were forced to eat it you would both vomit it up, if you understood my simile.
I dont understand exactly what you mean, but we have a pretty strong position against cheaters on Crossfire having doubled all of CB's bans. So what I say about hype applies to the mpg guys too, I just dont flame them because they arent pricks like hype is.
Well, I have nothing against that you flame some of their members, but what about lunatic ban and all other exceptions made? like shortening and delaying.
We have our ban policy, CB ban length x 2 who that effects is not subjective.
First of all, I don't consider someone that's been cheating on a public a cheater in a sense that he is part of what's now ruining ET, by using it in competive play. I think anyone that knows Hype, knows he would never use cheats in a war. But then again you only have my word. I don't want to back up all the silly things Hype has done, but I think a lot of people are too blind to see the difference between someone like alexL that blatantly hacks in wars and someone like Hype or keran that are good players that has done stupid mistakes.
I know hype in rtcw i played against him in a war and he got kicked for hacking.

Theres my word, you're playing with a busted hacker and you're making excuses for him.

Keep wriggling.
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